So I've been working on my player home recently, furnishing it with dh_furn furniture, and I'd been thinking of making an actual plugin for my house that adds a few shacks around it which I could bring people into, and start my own town of sorts. What would be even better, is if I could do all this ingame.
I have a few ideas on how to approach this. Firstly, to make a house, you'd have to set a plot for it, probably using long metal poles or something as markers, which you'd have to buy or acquire from an architect of sorts. Then, once you set a plot, you'd be given a misc item called "housing plot details" or something of the like. With this, you could hire an architect to draft you housing plans, for Great House architecture, you'd find architects on that house's settlements, Imperial architects on Imperial settlements, Velothi (Vos style) architecture in places like Vos, Vivec, etc. , Indoril would have you go to Mournhold, so on and so forth. You could possibly get your own Ashlander Yurts by befriending Ashlanders or Dunmer fort style houses through some scholar.
Once you got plans drafted from an architect, you'd need to spend a hefty sum hiring people to build your building, and it would build in stages, much like the buildings in Raven Rock. If anyone chooses to work on such a mod, or eventually, if I work on it myself, I'd be willing to model the meshes for these stages.
Finally, once your building was built, you could either get it furnished, furnish it yourself with a furniture mod, or find someone to move into it, who'd move their own stuff into it.
With a mod like this, you could start your own towns wherever you wanted, have a house in any location you please, all without ever having to touch the CS.
If I do work on this, it won't be for quite a while, so I thought I may as well post the idea here. Hope people like the idea.