Depends on the character you are talking to. All of the Thalmor are, but there are quite a few that are not.
It would like saying that all Nords are mindless brutes, some are sure but not all. There isn't a universal personality type for any race, not all Bretons are prissy, not all Khajiits are addicts, not all Imperials are corrupt, etc. Just depends on the individual
No. The priest of Arkay in Falkreath is a really nice guy!
Now I know my ABCs! Wait....
Pretty much what has been said, a person, no matter the race, have different personalities, quirks, habits, ect ect.
Faralda at the College of Winterhold is decent. But in my travels, the nice ones are few and far between. The Thalmor ruined Altmer for me.
No. The stable owner in Windhelm is a cool dude.
OP, I suspect you met only two Altmers in total, who happened to be stuck up, and are now painting an entire race because of those two.
Dunno about you, but that's kinda racist, lol.
Some Altmer in Skyrim...
Calcelmo - a bit grumpy, but he's sweet when it turns out he's in love with a certain Redguard.
Aicantar (Calcelmo's nephew) - seems like a decent guy. Of course, he gets angry if you break into his uncle's museum, but who wouldn't?
Faralda - I like her!
Niranye - she's cool, and if you complete the Thieves Guild special quest for Windhelm, she's nice on the verge to flirty
Ulundil (the stable guy in Windhelm) - always happy and nice towards the player.
Rundil - a kind old gentleman.
Nelacar - is nice if you take his side during the Black Star quest. If you don't, it's understandable.
Nurelion - falls in the category "grumpy old men", but I kinda like him.
Viarmo (headmaster of the Bard's College) - a bit pompous maybe, but always nice and quite cheery.
Nenya (steward in Falkreath) - seems like a decent person who does her job.
Reldith (a farmer in Rorikstead) - she seems ok, unless you steal Ennis' goat when you're drunk... which is understandable!
But you just made a thread generalizing an entire race based on a few bad apples...
The nicest guy in the game.
Well, you have that crazy guy who roams the streets of Solitude, rambling about... cheese.
I most certainly do not roam the streets of Solitude! At least not rambling about... cheese!
Altmer might be "stuck up", but there are certainly nice High Elves in Skyrim.
No,they are decent modest people that respect other races opinions,even on religious matters.
They are also peaceful and want to live in a spirit of cooperation and friendship with other nations.
I am Everything. I created the et'Ada. I created Anu, Padomay and everything that lead to the creation of Mundus.
You have to kind of put it in perspective... some traits, like being "stuck up", might well be valued in Altmer society. Or, it could be a harmful stereotype created by the races of man.
Anyway, no, they're not, like plenty of others have said.