Are any other TES fans worried about Fallout's influence?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:21 pm

I'm not worried at all, in fact i'm going to embrace any changes with open arms. Aside from the UI which is was incredibly boring and lackluster, the game presented itself amazingly. VATS never got old, I had to strategize or I would die, and I was constantly rewarded for exploring.

Aside from VATS, i'd like to have a reason to go into a specific cave, or tomb. I want the place to tell a story. I think when developing Fallout 3, these are things Bethesda acknowledged and incorporated so I think it'd make sense to have them in Skyrim.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:17 pm

Yes to interesting world with lots of unique places and items to discover.

No to VATS, perks and guns.
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:39 pm

I really wouldn't mind something like VATs, at least if they're going to continue having so many battles with allied NPCs or escort missions. I got into way too many friendly fire situations in Oblivion because of the fast-paced realtime nature of the game. You see a bad guy and ready your power attack, and just as you strike a friendly NPC runs in front of you and gets hit. "HIT ME ONCE MORE AND I WILL KILL YOU!!!"
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:41 am

Im not too worried. Bethesda should know we don't want guns, and VATS would be a nightmare...
The only thing I see potentially being implemented would be hardcoe mode as an optional mode, but I doubt we'll even see that...

I think Bethesda had their time to get away from TES, and know they miss it terribly...
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:16 pm

Not at all,the two are different series and I think Bethesda sees that.They will certainly bring some of the good from Fallout over to TES but I can't see them putting in VATS or perks.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:58 am

I am concerned that people new to the series see TES as Fallout with swords. Fallout should have no influence over TES whatsoever. I liked Fallout 3 but I still think it should gtfo of TES business.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:41 am

Why would it have VATS are you crazy as all hell? Vats has existed in fallout since fallout one. It would in no shape or form be in skyrim.You have to think in terms of a new engine! The combat was probably overhauled a ton,why slow it down with an auto target you have a better chance seeing the fatman in skyrim as you would VATS. This thread is pointless. The reason VATS was even in fallout 3 was because in 1 and 2 it was a way of dealing with a turn based system like final fantasy tactics had and they needed a way to distinguish fallout from oblivion with guns!!!! The idea is a moot point from go!!

You got it right in the end, but VATS was invented FOR FO3, and did not exist, as you said above, in FO1 or FO2. Those were turn based and did not need a VATS excuse to stop time.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:39 am

TES games already have perks in them. you get perks everytime you become a journeyman, expert, or master at a skill. its exactly the same thing.
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Killer McCracken
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:05 am

Fallout fans were worried that Fallout 3 would be Oblivion with guns. Now TES fans are worried TESV will be Fallout with magic (or something?).

I think we won't have much to worry about. They'll take things that worked (better looking characters, better voice acting, better overall implementation of the engine) but leave out things that just wouldn't fit (VATS for one). VATS is such a Fallout thing that I can't see it appearing in a TES game. I can't see experience points showing up.

hardcoe mode, yes, because TES mods had it before there were even any Bethesda Fallout games. Perks? I wouldn't necessarily mind them if they were done well, but I can't see them fitting TES's gameplay style and I don't expect they'll be added. I think the devs love their TES traditions as much as we do. They're making the thing, after all. :P

I got a kick out of the Fallout 3 console command to fill my spellbook. Said it added 50 or so spells. I never found them, but it was funny.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:33 pm

I definitely don't want to see V.A.T.s or Perks from Fallout, to me they have no place in The Elder Scrolls. That's what skills are for.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:57 am

Honestly, I'm not worried about it at all. If anything, I'd welcome it as long as it wasn't too overboard. I wouldn't mind something like V.A.T.S. being implemented really, if the combat was still as god awful as it was in morrowind and oblivion. I hated it in both of them, and expected to hate it in Fallout 3, but thanks to V.A.T.S. I actually enjoyed combat. I expect, however, that combat is going to be revamped since Skyrim is going to use an all new engine, so I'm hoping they found some way to make the combat fun this time. In Oblivion I always turned the difficulty slider all the way down just because the combat was bad enough that I couldn't play more than 10-20 minutes without getting bored and shutting it off or playing something else. It wasn't hard, it was just repetitive. Experience points wouldn't be that bad, if it wasn't for the fact that it would pretty much require a level cap, which I do not want in a TES game. Wouldn't really mind perks, so long as they made them interesting other than stuff like "add 10 points to your blade skill" or "add 5 points to personality".

I'd hate it though if they decided to put in S.P.E.C.I.A.L. add a level cap, make it so you couldn't pick certain locks until your skill was a certain level, and just generally made it "Fallout with magic".
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:11 am

Bethesda are not stupid. They are not going ruin their main series by turning it into a Fallout game.
TES has always been their dearest child, and I have no worries about Fallout influences.

The "Should V.A.T.S. be included" threads are just made by excited people with nothing better to talk about than Fallout. :P

I agree.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:07 am

I wouldn't be worried at all... Lots of studios develop more than one game series and keep them seperate
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:21 am

If Bethesda learns from Obsidians writing and quest design in New Vegas, then Bethesda is taking a step into the right direction, the direction they used to be going until a certain game.

I agree with you completely - After playing MW, OB, then FO3 and FONV, then OB again I noticed that the quests in FONV are much more versatile than any of the other games. An impressive amount of the quests had multiple endings, and many of which also mattered for the game world. It felt like your actions actually had influence.

TES games already have perks in them. you get perks everytime you become a journeyman, expert, or master at a skill. its exactly the same thing.

Plus, you get them as quest rewards sometimes. For example after helping the Gray Prince your blade and block(?) skills are permanently increased by 2 or something. That could go as a 'perk' somewhat, too.

Last but not least, I do love crippling enemies and I think that location based damage as handled in Fallout would be great to see in TES too:
If I'm an archer, I want to be able to render my target immobile by shooting its knees, legs or wings. Dismemberment would be a bit too much (except for axes, maybe), but crippling is a must.
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louise tagg
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:26 am

I'd actually really like to see perks, they would add some much needed customization to elder scrolls.

agreed! but maybe we should call them something else...hmm how bout feats?....oh wait thats dnd...hmmm how bout...yup cant think of anything else to call them that wont be considered an element of something else.
dam people. perks/feats? are you kidding, what rpg would not benefit from such a travesty? so long as there done right. who cares if they have the same name as something from fallout. and companions? aslong as they arent overpowered. its a great idea. who wouldnt want a buddie to go exploring with. "hey [censored] hold my [censored]"...."hmm ok give it here"....i guess what im getting at is that most of the stuff from FO people are saying they dont want in TES, is not exclusive stuff to FO in any way. so lets look at the big picture here. certain things from FO, and other rpg's, should be added to TES. and would make it even better than it has been in the past.

edit: after reading an above post "thats what skills are for"....we could call "perks" in TES "special skillz". yes with a z, then they wont be like anything from another game...OMGZ!!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:16 am

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 am

Some certain stuff is needed over Oblivion. Like the NPC/companion console. I would like to control my companions actions with a console. I should be able to order them to wait,follow and switch them to agressive or defensive stance. that was implemented in New Vegas and wouldn't hurt the Skyrim...
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Maria Leon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:04 am

I'm not worried at all, if anything, Fallout 3 added some stuff I felt was missing from Oblivion, like children and some other stuff.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:50 am

All i want from fallout is the hardcoe mode, and DISMEMBERING limbs! [censored] yeah thats what tes is missing is dismembering fallout style.
And people who say that tes shouldnt be gory, well screw you. You want realistic, gory is realistic.
And they COULD make a vats type thing work, if they made it a perk that you get when you get 100 agility and make it so you can only
do one attack and it takes like 2 minutes to recharge or something. That i can see, but is highly unlikely.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:55 am

They should implement some things but not get carried away. Let's remember that TES is it's own game series, and that Skyrim is even going to have a brand new engine( :biggrin: ) and should have more COMPLETELY new features then ones from Fallout.

But I'd like to see the leveling system from FO ( or something like it ) in Skyrim. In Oblivion you could level by summoning creatures, then waiting, and repeating so that you could level. Or if you killed 15 guys with arrows and Marksman wasn't one of your skills then it was a waste. And dialogue. In TES:IV your speech options felt incredibly limited, and often scripted. I'd like to be more involved in conversations then sitting there and simply having the NPC's tell me " GO HERE! DO THIS! FIN HIM! KILL THAT GUY!"

Anyways I'll leave this decisions up to the Devs. Hopefully they'll know what to do to maximize this games level of playabilty, while staying true to TES series.

That's my two cents.
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Chris Jones
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:34 am

Why worry about Fallout's influence?

Do you seriously think they are going to introduce Guns, Super mutants, Radiation and mini Nukes or anything else completely inappropriate to the fantasy setting to Skyrim?

Both Fallout games have built on and improved on Oblivion.

If Skyrim had a story that changed depending on the role you chose to play, like New Vegas would that really be a bad thing?
If you could craft weapons from items you find in the environment like in Fallout 3 would that be a bad thing?
If unique items were powerful whatever level you find them at would that be a bad thing?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:20 am

Fallout 3 took a lot from Oblivion, so it's only natural that their experience with Fallout have some impact on TES V. I doubt we'll see VATS of course. But things like the skill leveling system and leveled opponents are in dire need of an overhaul. The last time I played Oblivion I had a stack of sheets for planning out my skill gains. Standing in a corner casting heal 70 times so you can get a +5 wisdom bonus on level is the balls.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:26 am

I am not worried. FNV contains a lot of very good ideas about game mechanic, which may find their way to TES V, developed further, and be perfectly in place.
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:08 am

"Perks" are essentially already in Elder Scrolls via enchanting & spellmaking need to really introduce any others.
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:58 am

But things like the skill leveling system and leveled opponents are in dire need of an overhaul. The last time I played Oblivion I had a stack of sheets for planning out my skill gains. Standing in a corner casting heal 70 times so you can get a +5 wisdom bonus on level is the balls.

You can exploit the level system that way in the previous 3 TES games, and it would surprise me if you can't in Skyrim. Personally I wouldn't play a game that way, I don't see the fun in it.
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