Are any other TES fans worried about Fallout's influence?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:45 pm

I agree with the fact that i think waaay too many people reference to fallout when speaking about ESV. To me, i do not even relate fallout to elder scrolls, and i do not think they should be, in any way, similar. Fallout fit its style, and it was nice, but now we are back to Elder scrolls, and the only influence should be coming from past elder scrolls games.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:00 am

I am seriously concerned about this. I don't want anything that has been in the Fallout games go into TES. Oblivion was amazing. There are things that can be expanded upon, but I don't wanna see V.A.T.S. or anything like that. It would be horrible.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:53 pm

People may want all sorts of Fallout stuff, but I don't see it happening. I only see aspects from Oblivion which they improved upon in Fallout 3 coming back in TES V: More meaningful dialogue, dungeons that make sense, less level scaling, etc. Not VATS, experience points, guns, perks (aside from the 'skill perks') or radioactive snow.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:18 pm

Is there a real reason to be afraid of Fallout influence? I mean Fallout, in its changing, got so much "TES" in it - and the things that were kept, were implemented in a manner that appeared almost involuntary - and in their core they are (now) so similiar that (it would be just fair to put some Fallout in TES) it would be fair to think that the devs are just glad to be back doing something familiar.

Nah, there won't be anything Fallout in Skyrim.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:29 am

The only things from Fallout I'd be comfortable seeing in Skyrim are shades of gray. That was one of the things that I wasn't too keen on in any of the Elder Scrolls. Sure the world was your oyster, but the quests were linear as hell.

Other than that, I doubt Bethesda is stupid enough to implement things like V.A.T.S., XP based leveling, a level cap, etc.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:19 pm

Honestly, I've been on these forums for the majority of the day and the amount of "Should they put V.A.T.S. in Skyrim?" "Should they put perks in Skyrim?" threads have me unsettled.

Is anyone else worried that Fallout may influence this game too much?

For fans of Fallout: It's been five years since we've had an Elder Scrolls game, you guys just got New Vegas, could you let us have our game, pleeeeeeeease? :ermm:

I'd like to say something, as I am the person who created BOTH of the threads you refer to in the opening post. I am an Elder Scrolls fan first and foremost. I loved Morrowind and I consider Oblivion my all time favorite game. Sure I like Fallout, but the only reason I played Fallout 3 is because I love Bethesda. I've never even played New Vegas... And you wanna know why? I made a conscious effort to boycott New Vegas when they first announced it because I was so mad it got announced before the Elder Scrolls V. I'm not some overly excited Fallout fanatic... I don't wish my Elder Scrolls character could run around with a pip boy and a laser bow, fighting super mutant behemoth goblins... I simply liked two aspects of Fallout 3's gameplay and felt they'd be cool in the Elder Scrolls... So sue me. And who are you to say that the Elder Scrolls is any more your game than it is mine? What makes your opinions more valid than mine? I could argue that I'm as big an Elder Scrolls fan as anyone on these forums. My love for TES borders on obsession. For the past six months I've been feverishly speculating on the release of the Elder Scrolls V in the spec threads. I never saw you there Latorn...(I've never even been to the Fallout forums by the way)... I don't appreciate being discredited as an Elder Scrolls fan because I think perks and a form of slow motion cinematic combat would be cool in TES V. I totally respect your guys' opinions on this issue and I realize that my own opinion is completely outnumbered, but don't try to tell me I'm any less of an Elder Scrolls fan because of it.

Anyway, sorry for ranting, I just had to get that off my chest. Skyrim is gonna be amazing, whether is has cinematic combat or not and I couldn't be more excited about it...
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gary lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:43 pm

hardcoe mode?

AI that actually travels the land (traders)?

Perks? whats wrong with perks?

There are certainly improvements seen in Fallout that I'd like the TES, but there are also things I wouldn't want to see, like armor being 1 piece.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:54 am

Nah, I have faith that the Devs will be true to the TES series and won't make it too much like a Fallout game. I really hope that they do include some elements of FO3 and FO:NV, like crafting, interrelating factions, complex quests with multiple solutions, and moral dilemmas. That would work extremely well in the TES setting.
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:45 pm

Fallout did a better job with larger battles with more simultaneous enemies and less level scaling. I like that influence.
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Brian Newman
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:52 am

hardcoe mode?

Nothing is wrong about hardcoe mode. I know a lot of people, especially on pc, kept up eating, drinking, and sleeping habits in Morrowind and Oblivion.

AI that actually travels the land (traders)?

It's been around it's not anything new. Thus far it's just been slightly improved upon and should be expected that Bethesda will keep it up.

Perks? whats wrong with perks?

Nothing so long as they are traditional TES perks. Implementation of non-traditional perks however, just wouldn't fit the series. It's been a long standing system in Fallout but if you took them out of Fallout then you'd be taking away something that made fallout fallout. It's a similar situation but rather than taking something away you're adding something that would detract from the tradition of the series.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:27 am

Nothing so long as they are traditional TES perks. Implementation of non-traditional perks however, just wouldn't fit the series. It's been a long standing system in Fallout but if you took them out of Fallout then you'd be taking away something that made fallout fallout. It's a similar situation but rather than taking something away you're adding something that would detract from the tradition of the series.

Yeah, I was thinking along the lines of the "level perks" in Oblivion (i.e. level 75[?] with marksman gave you the ability to zoom with your bow), more of those would be cool.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:03 am

I am very pleased with the result of Skyrim being developed finally. To be honest, I thought oblivion was going to be a disappointment to TES. It became a bigger success to me and I have noticed that when Bethesda develops a video game sequel, they do not ruin the original idea. I really don't see them putting VAT into the game, and I see the way perks work is the same way that the class you would choose in oblivion or morrowind. Bethesda has not made a disappointment of a game for me yet, and I think they'll keep on their strong streak with this game as well.
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:56 pm

I don't think there's a valid reason to think Perks and V.A.T.S will be in Skyrim. I didn't see any birth-signs in Fallout, so I don't think there will be an influence the other way around either.
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jennie xhx
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:19 am

Naah. I trust that Bethesda keeps Fallout, Fallout, And Elder Scrolls, Elder Scrolls.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 am

Since I am guessing new engine that the team hasn't even tried to make such a thing in TESV and also it doesn't fit into the series.
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john palmer
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:07 am

I wouldn't mind if they blended some fallout features with skyrim, but if they make it like New Vegas which i think felt like an add on to Fallout 3 i probably won't even get the game. I would not mind perks and a fallout like speech system.
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victoria gillis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:01 am

Bethesda are not stupid. They are not going ruin their main series by turning it into a Fallout game.
TES has always been their dearest child, and I have no worries about Fallout influences.

The "Should V.A.T.S. be included" threads are just made by excited people with nothing better to talk about than Fallout. :P

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Amy Melissa
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:19 am

V.A.T.S? No. Maybe for perks.

I also think the Fallout speech system would be nice.
and they better keep the armor system from Oblivion, or even make it more customizable, like Morrowind.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:36 pm


Not "This." I refer you to my above post ^^^
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:44 pm

i actully like the idea of the traits that you picked in the begining of NV
I also like the way companions were inplemented in NV i would love for them to bring that idea over to Skyrim
The idea of a crafting system was cool
I'm kinda iffy on the dismemberment system, i dont think it fits in TES too much but i wouldnt hate it perhaps if they toned it down a bit
I want something similar to that bumper sword :)

Edit: oh an Felicia Day i want her too :P
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:19 am

No decapitation or dismemberment. I hated the rolling heads in FO3.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:53 am

I'd like to say something, as I am the person who created BOTH of the threads you refer to in the opening post. I am an Elder Scrolls fan first and foremost. I loved Morrowind and I consider Oblivion my all time favorite game. Sure I like Fallout, but the only reason I played Fallout 3 is because I love Bethesda. I've never even played New Vegas... And you wanna know why? I made a conscious effort to boycott New Vegas when they first announced it because I was so mad it got announced before the Elder Scrolls V. I'm not some overly excited Fallout fanatic... I don't wish my Elder Scrolls character could run around with a pip boy and a laser bow, fighting super mutant behemoth goblins... I simply liked two aspects of Fallout 3's gameplay and felt they'd be cool in the Elder Scrolls... So sue me. And who are you to say that the Elder Scrolls is any more your game than it is mine? What makes your opinions more valid than mine? I could argue that I'm as big an Elder Scrolls fan as anyone on these forums. My love for TES borders on obsession. For the past six months I've been feverishly speculating on the release of the Elder Scrolls V in the spec threads. I never saw you there Latorn...(I've never even been to the Fallout forums by the way)... I don't appreciate being discredited as an Elder Scrolls fan because I think perks and a form of slow motion cinematic combat would be cool in TES V. I totally respect your guys' opinions on this issue and I realize that my own opinion is completely outnumbered, but don't try to tell me I'm any less of an Elder Scrolls fan because of it.

Anyway, sorry for ranting, I just had to get that off my chest. Skyrim is gonna be amazing, whether is has cinematic combat or not and I couldn't be more excited about it...

I think I owe you an apology for using both your threads as examples in my original post. I really didn't mean to target you, they were just the first two thread titles that came to mind. There are many other threads (not so many today) from other posters saying: "I think *blank* feature should be implemented from Fallout to Skyrim". Perks, and V.A.T.S. were just two obvious examples, but there are a few other features from Fallout that I personally feel have too much of a "Fallouty" vibe to them.
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adam holden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:41 pm

I'd like to say something, as I am the person who created BOTH of the threads you refer to in the opening post. I am an Elder Scrolls fan first and foremost. I loved Morrowind and I consider Oblivion my all time favorite game. Sure I like Fallout, but the only reason I played Fallout 3 is because I love Bethesda. I've never even played New Vegas... And you wanna know why? I made a conscious effort to boycott New Vegas when they first announced it because I was so mad it got announced before the Elder Scrolls V. I'm not some overly excited Fallout fanatic... I don't wish my Elder Scrolls character could run around with a pip boy and a laser bow, fighting super mutant behemoth goblins... I simply liked two aspects of Fallout 3's gameplay and felt they'd be cool in the Elder Scrolls... So sue me. And who are you to say that the Elder Scrolls is any more your game than it is mine? What makes your opinions more valid than mine? I could argue that I'm as big an Elder Scrolls fan as anyone on these forums. My love for TES borders on obsession. For the past six months I've been feverishly speculating on the release of the Elder Scrolls V in the spec threads. I never saw you there Latorn...(I've never even been to the Fallout forums by the way)... I don't appreciate being discredited as an Elder Scrolls fan because I think perks and a form of slow motion cinematic combat would be cool in TES V. I totally respect your guys' opinions on this issue and I realize that my own opinion is completely outnumbered, but don't try to tell me I'm any less of an Elder Scrolls fan because of it.

Anyway, sorry for ranting, I just had to get that off my chest. Skyrim is gonna be amazing, whether is has cinematic combat or not and I couldn't be more excited about it...

I love TES. I hate skill based leveling. Because I didn't know about waiting, and acrobatics was a part of my characters progression, I had a level 12 jumper, level 2 swordsman. I had 72 hours into a game, and I was dealing with level 12 baddies, that were kicking the crap outta me, all across Tamriel. Leveled baddies: blah. But skill based leveling: big blah. I have so many reasons why, but the best one is this: I would learn detect life as soon as possible, cast it often, so that I am not taken unawares, and craft better versions as soon as I could. Suddenly, I'm at a skill level of 100 with detect life, but all that magic knowledge and skill has 0 effect on my general use of magic? I'm no better at casting a fireball than someone who's never cast a spell before? I don't think so! The issue you see is that I have to HIT something to get the "skill experience" with a fireball. When the target is the caster, you can cast the spell repeatedly until you are out of mana, and each time you will increase your skill with that area of magic. The only way to get the same effect with a combat spell is to create one where the caster is the target, and spam it. It did this, because I wanted to have some fun with magic. But it was a pain in the ass and not a part of the TES experience I'm looking forward to repeating.

I have been *dying* to hear an announcement for TESV. In the meantime, I've been playing plenty of games, including Fallout3 and New Vegas. I loved both of those games, and agree, that many things in them have no business in TES. One thing I would like is more control of how my character progresses. It was nice to be able to craft my own, "class" in Oblivion, but it was not enough customization. I'd like something, not "Perks" but *something* added to give your character bonuses would be nice. I really like the "environmental" perk bonuses you get in New Vegas for instance. The names are all wrong for TES, but as an example, "Lord Death: You gain a damage bonus against everything, because you like killing everything." Okay, so the name is okay, the description doesn't fit though. And the individual ones you get for killing specific creature types. Things like that add to a game. I'm not by any means suggesting that TES should have THIS, but I would appreciate more customization as the game progresses, and I think that skill leveling could far better than it was in Oblivion. That said, the example I gave above fits well with skill leveling as well.

A TES example would be, for picking ingredients: "Herbalist: (200 plants harvested) You have picked 200 alchemical ingredients, you get a bonus" of some sort to do with it. Maybe those plants you can harvest are more vivid, to catch your eye more easily. Maybe your chances for picking the plant and getting the end product go up, rather than going empty handed (though I'm pretty sure that goes up as you gain experience in alchemy). But you get the idea, I think.

Maybe there's an environmental type bonus for skills in the various magics. Like necromancy. You've cast 200 necormatic spells, you cause bonus damage to all undead because of your intimate knowledge of the art.

That might just be the perfect marriage for me, adding environmental customization to the game, while keeping skill leveling... this might not be the right forum for this anymore...
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:55 pm

I agree, traits were pretty cool, I liked that you could have disadvantages to your characters.

What about limb damage? I think that would be a cool implementation to have.
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:51 am

Honestly, I've been on these forums for the majority of the day and the amount of "Should they put V.A.T.S. in Skyrim?" "Should they put perks in Skyrim?" threads have me unsettled.

Is anyone else worried that Fallout may influence this game too much?

For fans of Fallout: It's been five years since we've had an Elder Scrolls game, you guys just got New Vegas, could you let us have our game, pleeeeeeeease? :ermm:

BTW, Alot of people on these forums enjoy both games. Its like your trying to divide them.

In no way or form should VATS be in the game. Thats rediculous.

Perks are a maybe because many games use that. But I don't care either way it goes.

Traits would be a nice addition I think. But if not I could live without it.

I hope Beth can learn a thing or 2 about story archs and dialogue from Obsidian.
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