Are we spoiled these days? Do our minds only remember the most mind-blowing graphics we've ever seen and refuse to look back at what we've already been through? I know quality is always pushing farther and farther ahead, but do glimpses of these possibilities (such as the recently unveiled tech demos/engines for Unreal's new stuff) force some of us to be unecessarily hard on developers these days?
The only reason I ask is because I see all these threads and comments about graphics.
"It's pixelated"
"It's blurry"
In my personal opinion, I think that Splash Damage did a great job. Is it perfect? No. Is it "hyper-realistic"? No.
Do I like it? Absolutely.
I say kudos to Splash Damage. The game looks great and you shouldn't listen to all the the haters. I'm not saying you did a perfect job, but you gave me a game that from an artistic standpoint delivers something cool.