Are bethesda hiding something from the PS3 version?

Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:07 am

Bethesda should realize why some of us ps3 gamers are concerned about this... and would love a video of the PS3 version released before november 11.

oblivion on PS3 was fine, but the frame rate always dropped wen you were near an oblivion gate or messed around with many objects. It also suffered from that infamous vampire glitch that we PS3 owners must know about.

Fallout 3 was a major disaster, suffering from frequent crashes and glitches.. i did play it on 360 at first(that version was fine) but it went downhill once i tried playing it on PS3.

Fallout new vegas, while not created by bethesda suffered by some of the same crashes and glitches that fallout 3 had on PS3, but much worse... sometimes you couldn't talk to npcs and wen you tried to use your pipboy the game crashed.

I'm not saying bethesda are bad developers or anything, they are good at what they do.. they make great worlds to explore and their games try to immerse you with the vast array of stuff to do and the jaw drooping music always blows me away, but wen it comes to game performance.. ehh, atleast they get the job done on 360 and PC.. but the games should perform the same across all platforms.

I doubt bethesda will even read this thread, but i'm someone who is buying the collectors edition on PS3 because my 360 broke and i dont have a pc to handle a game like skyrim, or any game for that matter... I really dont want to be disappointed once i get my hands on this, and not because of the overall game.. i honestly think it will be great, or even amazing!! but because i want a game that is just as good as on any other platform.

What do you guys think about this? do you guys think bethesda will do their best with this version of the game? I sure hope so... i really do.
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Timara White
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:37 pm!/DCDeacon/status/114045183573753856 is what a gamesas guy said about the PS3 version last week.
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:04 pm!/DCDeacon/status/114045183573753856 is what a gamesas guy said about the PS3 version last week.

He's not the first PR person to falsely say the same thing. Rockstar, Ubisoft... these names are vilified by my conscious mind.
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:54 pm

Since Xbox is BethGS's primary development platform, it would make sense that the vast majority, if not all, of their promotional media is on said platform.

Like you could expect DICE to show mostly, if not all, PC based media since it is their primary platform.
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SWagg KId
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:05 pm

Since Xbox is BethGS's primary development platform, it would make sense that the vast majority, if not all, of their promotional media is on said platform.

Like you could expect DICE to show mostly, if not all, PC based media since it is their primary platform.

At least DICE still showed the PS3 version and talked about their usage of the PS3's SPEs. Bethesda can't even acknowledge their colossal screw-up with Fallout 3's memory leaks, crashes, and freezing.
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:53 pm

Uh oh, you figured out Bethesda's shadow you must die!

But seriously, they aren't hiding anything. They have been showing the 360 version because it is the most well rounded dev kit (from what I've heard) and thus even though the ps3 version and the xbox 360 version are made together, in essence the 360 version is published first. However, you don't need to demand to see the ps3 version before Nov 11. Us PC players aren't demanding to see PC footage, mainly because it most certainly doesn't have all it's finishing features added but also because we were assured that the PC version looks worlds better than the console version. Umm where was I? Oh yes, don't worry, I'm sure the ps3 version will be fine. The Ps3 version of Oblivion was a bit unstable, mainly because the ps3 was new when it came out for the ps3 and was originally made for the 360 so I'm sure there were some platform shift issues with the new software in the ps3. Same goes for Fallout 3, though fallout 3 came out worse off than Oblivion did on the ps3 and it was made after ps3 came out. Not sure what that was all about.

Bethesda can't even acknowledge their colossal screw-up with Fallout 3's memory leaks, crashes, and freezing.

Well, nobody likes to talk about their failures, that's just a fact. Like all people, it's try to retroactively fix it while making it seem like nothing is wrong or downplaying it. Doesn't make them bad people, it makes them normal people. I mean, if you deleted some important file, you don't get up running down the hallway screaming that you destroyed an important file, you quickly try to find a solution for it and fix it, hoping that no one finds out and if they do, downplay it as if it was no big deal.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:05 am!/DCDeacon/status/114045183573753856 is what a gamesas guy said about the PS3 version last week.

Sounds good enough to me xD
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:49 pm

Uh oh, you figured out Bethesda's shadow you must die!

But seriously, they aren't hiding anything. They have been showing the 360 version because it is the most well rounded dev kit (from what I've heard) and thus even though the ps3 version and the xbox 360 version are made together, in essence the 360 version is published first. However, you don't need to demand to see the ps3 version before Nov 11. Us PC players aren't demanding to see PC footage, mainly because it most certainly doesn't have all it's finishing features added but also because we were assured that the PC version looks worlds better than the console version. Umm where was I? Oh yes, don't worry, I'm sure the ps3 version will be fine. The Ps3 version of Oblivion was a bit unstable, mainly because the ps3 was new when it came out for the ps3 and was originally made for the 360 so I'm sure there were some platform shift issues with the new software in the ps3. Same goes for Fallout 3, though fallout 3 came out worse off than Oblivion did on the ps3 and it was made after ps3 came out. Not sure what that was all about.

Well, nobody likes to talk about their failures, that's just a fact. Like all people, it's try to retroactively fix it while making it seem like nothing is wrong or downplaying it. Doesn't make them bad people, it makes them normal people.

Great... they can do that, but can't they do that while showing off the PS3 version to quell those with fears in their mind while not directly saying it, talk specifically about what optimizations they made for the PS3 version, and not go ahead and do that principally wrong timed DLC thing? If they don't want to address it directly, at least give off an aura of "we give a damn" to the consumers... and why didn't they even patch Fallout 3? That would have been nice.
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kristy dunn
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Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:50 am

It would really be embarrassing for Bethesda to release a less than equal port at this point.

Most developers now have reached the point where they are releasing nearly identical versions, and if Bethesda is unable, then clearly I have too much faith in their abilities.

The PS3 version will likely have slightly worse AA and possibly even a small amount of texture pop-in, but it shouldn't be anything too bad.

Although i would really like to hear if Skyrim will have a Installation requirement on PS3, for a game this big i would expect it, even if its just to reduce load times slightly.
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stevie trent
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Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:22 am

eh im not too worried, because when oblivion came out, it was pretty much an xbox 360 port straight up. atleast now they had time to fix all the issues because they decided to put it on the ps3 on day 1. im not sure about fallout 3, i havent played that but new vegas i have, and i havent had any issues with that game on my ps3, well except a few minor frame rate issues but nothing really noticeable.

heres to a new age of the elder scrolls series :celebration:
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:26 pm

At least DICE still showed the PS3 version and talked about their usage of the PS3's SPEs. Bethesda can't even acknowledge their colossal screw-up with Fallout 3's memory leaks, crashes, and freezing.

Would you want to acknowledge it either? And before you say yes, remember you are a single person, not representing a multi-million dollar game development company.

That said, they did say that all versions of the game will be effectively (from a software standpoint) the same, meaning what you see of the 360 version is more or less exactly how the PS3 version will look. And even if they did show PS3 footage, do you HONESTLY think they would show it crashing if it were a problem? Have you no faith that they learned their lesson this time around? This is their first game since Fallout 3. you are drawing false correlation with insufficient amounts of data. Wait and see. If this game is a blunder on the PS3 like Fallout 3 was, THEN you can start to criticize them.

Wait and see.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:25 pm

[quote name='Animespora' timestamp='1316935622' post='18661599']
Bethesda should realize why some of us ps3 gamers are concerned about this... and would love a video of the PS3 version released before november 11.

oblivion on PS3 was fine, but the frame rate always dropped wen you were near an oblivion gate or messed around with many objects. It also suffered from that infamous vampire glitch that we PS3 owners must know about.

The Xbox version had frame rate issues as well.. But I haven't played played PS3 so I couldn't make a legit comparison.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:05 am

Im sure it runs fine on both.
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:18 am

I'm honestly expecting Skyrim to have just as many problems on the PS3 as did New Vegas.

The only logic I base that in is that being a pessimist means you can never be disappointed.
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:17 pm

Would you want to acknowledge it either? And before you say yes, remember you are a single person, not representing a multi-million dollar game development company.

That said, they did say that all versions of the game will be effectively (from a software standpoint) the same, meaning what you see of the 360 version is more or less exactly how the PS3 version will look. And even if they did show PS3 footage, do you HONESTLY think they would show it crashing if it were a problem? Have you no faith that they learned their lesson this time around? This is their first game since Fallout 3. you are drawing false correlation with insufficient amounts of data. Wait and see. If this game is a blunder on the PS3 like Fallout 3 was, THEN you can start to criticize them.

Wait and see.

I've been waiting... waiting through 6 months of 360-exclusive footage and promotion. Even if they don't show crashing, they would have to show framerate and general graphical quality. I want to see this. If I were a multimillion dollar game development company, no, I wouldn't directly detail the flaws so that it is made perfectly clear to the world that my company created one of the worst examples of computer graphics software distributed to the market in recent memory, but at the very least, a patch would be in order as well as plenty of footage of the PS3 version with the 360 footage... and PC footage, as well, for that matter. What harm would that do? If anything, it should allow them to promote the game more thoroughly to all platform owners. Maybe, if for once, they demoed the PS3 version said "look at the detail, we pushed the platform to its limits... pre-order now" or got journalists to write about how smooth the PS3 version looked and ran (as I've seen countless times about the 360 version), I wouldn't even be arguing about this right now. If Bethesda sells me a broken product and does little to reassure it won't happen again with their next game, however, and if I really want the game in question (Make no mistake, anyone... I'm this paranoid because I desperately want this game because I think Bethesda are really excellent at what they do... minus technical work and public relations on various platforms.), I'm going to be upset.
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:33 pm

Great... they can do that, but can't they do that while showing off the PS3 version to quell those with fears in their mind while not directly saying it, talk specifically about what optimizations they made for the PS3 version, and not go ahead and do that principally wrong timed DLC thing? If they don't want to address it directly, at least give off an aura of "we give a damn" to the consumers... and why didn't they even patch Fallout 3? That would have been nice.

Well I do agree that PS3 players and PC players got the shaft because Microsoft threw piles of money at the corporate overlords and forced Bethesda to make content be available nearly a month before the rest of us. However, I don't see a need to list the optimizations for a specific platform over another. I mean, they haven't talked about xbox's optimizations and god knows they haven't mentioned a thing about PCs except the fact it will have DX11 support but no main DX11 features (which is a kick in the gut). I find that we really just need to focus on the features of the game as the features between the PS3 and the xbox will be very similar as both consoles are quite similar, PC is the wild card really and I'm not really in a big hurry to hear the exact features they are using for the PC version either, mainly because I bet I can name almost every single one correctly. There are however plenty of features that are up in the air now after PH announced that PC would look far better than consoles, which seems to suggest that they may have changed their stance on some of the extra features they weren't going to add to PC.

In the end, I think making a demo just to quell the fears of the community is just not going to work. If you make a demo to quell the fears for the PS3 players, then you have to make a demo for those with a fear of other features being left out of the main game and so on and so on and that detracts from dev time needed to fix bugs nearing the end of development here. I'm not saying that they shouldn't release a demo some time near release but it definitely isn't imperative.
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:42 am

Pete has mentioned that a separate team is working for PS3 unlike anything we have seen in the past. Fallout 3 had xbox360 as the lead platform but if you guys google skyrim and search which platform does skyrim lead with then you would find all over the internet that CONSOLES are lead SKUs. Hence we have two points that we must be confident about (atleast I am) that:

1) Skyrim's Lead platform is Consoles but promotional lead is xbox and it has an edge over ps3 in terms of Bethesda Development Team (video interview with Craig - Producer)

2) A separate team is working for ps3:
@Rjdubb5 One platform has to lead. But it's not really a port. PS3 has folks working on just that version because a diff undertaking (!/Rjdubb5)

So I think we may have a surprise for PS3 and hoping it does have a good AA applied to it.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:38 pm

I never had more crashes in Oblivion on the PS3 than I did on the PC version I had the framerate drops a bit every now and then, all console games have that problem (my PC has the same problem, as it's not very powerful).
Same goes for FO3 and NV...never had more crashes in those games than in most other PS3 games...especially RPG tend to crash sometimes. Also, ALL games have glitches and bugs...some more than others. Not a big deal...
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:27 pm

Well I do agree that PS3 players and PC players got the shaft because Microsoft threw piles of money at the corporate overlords and forced Bethesda to make content be available nearly a month before the rest of us. However, I don't see a need to list the optimizations for a specific platform over another. I mean, they haven't talked about xbox's optimizations and god knows they haven't mentioned a thing about PCs except the fact it will have DX11 support but no main DX11 features (which is a kick in the gut). I find that we really just need to focus on the features of the game as the features between the PS3 and the xbox will be very similar as both consoles are quite similar, PC is the wild card really and I'm not really in a big hurry to hear the exact features they are using for the PC version either, mainly because I bet I can name almost every single one correctly. There are however plenty of features that are up in the air now after PH announced that PC would look far better than consoles, which seems to suggest that they may have changed their stance on some of the extra features they weren't going to add to PC.

In the end, I think making a demo just to quell the fears of the community is just not going to work. If you make a demo to quell the fears for the PS3 players, then you have to make a demo for those with a fear of other features being left out of the main game and so on and so on and that detracts from dev time needed to fix bugs nearing the end of development here. I'm not saying that they shouldn't release a demo some time near release but it definitely isn't imperative.

Does fear of a product not even functioning all that well and equally appeasing your fans on various platforms instead of just one take precedence over someone fearing the game's mechanics are not finely tuned to a preferential and opinion-based point? For example, people wondering just how in-depth the factions are can have varying opinions on how their quality and quantity must be weighed and just what they want to see, but who would argue that poor technical work and neglect to show a functioning product to one's consumers is ever a good thing? It's like pitting a laptop's color to its ability to properly function. Different people may want blue, or black, or red as their color... but who wants a dysfunctional/inefficient piece of tech? In my example, color preference is subjective and never objectively right one way or another. On the other hand, the laptop's ability to properly function is, objectively, an important detail that I'm sure all could agree on... that they want it to function as well as possible. This also applies to the reality of the current Skyrim situation. Technical performance is important and I doubt anyone would advocate poorer performance... but different people will prefer different implementations of game features and concepts. We're merely one month and one half away from Skyrim's release. Bethesda needs to cut the crap and show something from the PS3 version, already.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:36 pm

Where's the "I own an X-Box 360" choice?
But, even though I don't own a PS3, I can understand why people might be uneasy...
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trisha punch
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:42 am

Im pretty sure bethesda is heavily endorsed by Microsoft. No need to worry.
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Nicole M
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:14 pm

I've been waiting... waiting through 6 months of 360-exclusive footage and promotion.

You and me both, pal. I've to comfort myself only with the words of all those people who have tried the PC version, and says it's way better than the 360'. Hard to believe, but....I'm trying to :)
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:50 pm

If Beth made a vid from the PS3 version of the game, would any PS3 owner immediately recognise it as such? Does it have certain features (or lack there-of) that makes it recognisable PS3 footage?
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sarah taylor
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Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:42 am

If Beth made a vid from the PS3 version of the game, would any PS3 owner immediately recognise it as such? Does it have certain features (or lack there-of) that makes it recognisable PS3 footage?

Probably, probably not. But at least PS3 players would finally get a glimpse of what they'll get, instead of approximations based on the lowest common denominator. Same for PC users.
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:02 pm

If Beth made a vid from the PS3 version of the game, would any PS3 owner immediately recognise it as such? Does it have certain features (or lack there-of) that makes it recognisable PS3 footage?

How would we know? I've never seen bethesda demo a game outside their 360 bubble. If videos are not possible, then atleast more talk about this, cause the PS3 versions of their passed games have all been but bitter sweet to me, and kinda sour at times.

I think we all(even those getting it for pc) would love to see some footage or more talk regarding the other versions of the game.
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