oblivion on PS3 was fine, but the frame rate always dropped wen you were near an oblivion gate or messed around with many objects. It also suffered from that infamous vampire glitch that we PS3 owners must know about.
Fallout 3 was a major disaster, suffering from frequent crashes and glitches.. i did play it on 360 at first(that version was fine) but it went downhill once i tried playing it on PS3.
Fallout new vegas, while not created by bethesda suffered by some of the same crashes and glitches that fallout 3 had on PS3, but much worse... sometimes you couldn't talk to npcs and wen you tried to use your pipboy the game crashed.
I'm not saying bethesda are bad developers or anything, they are good at what they do.. they make great worlds to explore and their games try to immerse you with the vast array of stuff to do and the jaw drooping music always blows me away, but wen it comes to game performance.. ehh, atleast they get the job done on 360 and PC.. but the games should perform the same across all platforms.
I doubt bethesda will even read this thread, but i'm someone who is buying the collectors edition on PS3 because my 360 broke and i dont have a pc to handle a game like skyrim, or any game for that matter... I really dont want to be disappointed once i get my hands on this, and not because of the overall game.. i honestly think it will be great, or even amazing!! but because i want a game that is just as good as on any other platform.
What do you guys think about this? do you guys think bethesda will do their best with this version of the game? I sure hope so... i really do.