Nothing wrong with them in the first place. The males should stay short. Bosmer were never tall, only the females.
Aengvir, Amragor, Anglor, Anguilon, Athragar, Athrelor, Baenlin, Baeralorn, Brellin, Brithaur, Brodras, Bolwing, Caenlin, Caenlorn, Cingaer, Cingor, Daenlin, Dervenin, Engorm, Enilroth, Eridor, Erthor, Fimmion, Fithragaer, Foroch, Gelephor, Glarthir, Gloorolros, Gundalas, Gwinas, Hagaer, Hundolin, Maenlorn, Maglir, Nedhelfin, Niraegaer, Nordinor, Rindir, Thadon, Thaurron, Thoronir, Thrangirfin, Thurindil, Ungolim, Uungor, Uuras, Adanrel, Angrond, Alawen, Althel, Andragil, Anedhel, Boroneth, Bothiel, Carwen, Ciindil, Cutter*, Dagail, Dairihill, Degil, Dennilwen, Dredhwen, Elragail, Elsynia, Faurinthil, Ganredhel, Githriian, Hasathil, Huurwen, Idrolian, Laenafil, Laralthir, Mandil, Methredhel, Nilawen, Parwen, Syl, Telaendril, Thaedil, Thalfin, Thamriel, Thiirchel, Uurwen.
This is every Bosmer in Oblivion. How many were "comic relief"? Not the vast majority. Not even half were "comic relief". A very small minority were comic relief or annoying.
Yeah I only see a total of 3 characters on that list that annoy me at all.