So are "builds" out the window?

Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:47 am

Why are birthsigns all that important anyway? All you did was pick something that benefited your class lol. By that logic every gladiator in Tamriel would "Choose" to be "Born" under the The Warrior haha. Fates aren't etched in stone ala birthsighs, they are now etched in guardian stones. :celebration:
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:00 am

Please be correct!

I am at work so i can't listen. But I am sure in the E3 demo Todd (or whoever it was) hints of more guardian stones in the scene in which he activates one. As i recall he says you find them during the game, but these 3 are the basic ones. It was around 3 minutes in i think
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:10 am

I am at work so i can't listen. But I am sure in the E3 demo Todd (or whoever it was) hints of more guardian stones in the scene in which he activates one. As i recall he says you find them during the game, but these 3 are the basic ones. It was around 3 minutes in i think

He says something along the lines of "You will find more of these stones throughout the world." Take what you want from that, but I don't take it to mean different stones. Since you can change your active guardian stone (I think), it would make sense to see the same three cluttered around the map.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:05 pm

He definately says about those 3 being the basic ones, I remember that bit clearly. In fact i am sure that it is said that those 3 are the basic ones that you find early on.
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:55 pm

The idea is (was) to use perks for the additional specialisation of characters but considering the examples we saw until now I wouldn′t get too excited

Healthy glass of pessimism right there bud. <_<

From what I gather, and I am probably wrong, guardian stones are now the builds. If you select to follow the warrior path, for example, you will gain warrior based skills quicker. It was said that the mage/thief/warrior guardian stones were just the basic ones, hinting that there are other stone paths to follow (probably linked to the old class system such as an assasin or spellsword).

I have been told before that i am mistaken about this, but it is the only way i can see to interpret the infomation we have been given so far about guardian stones.

You are correct, Todd Howard specifically mentions that which ever stone you choose, will give you a "special power" and also allow the player to level the skills related to the chosen stone to increase faster.

The first part is right, they did say that, we will have to wait and see about the second part. Seems a bit odd though and not quite 'use the skills' logic since it means that skills used a lot but not part of the skill set affected by the stone won't develop as quickly.

He's actually 100% right according to the E3 demo presented by Todd Howard. Todd said: "...having the stars bless you with a special power, you can only have one (1) of these at a time. So this one right here, the Warrior Stone, is going to make ALL of your warrior skills increase faster."
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:08 am

There aren't only three. Birthsigns are still in in a sense, but you don't pick them at the start; You first have to discover their guardian stone. :shrug:

They are not in the game in any sense. Guardian stones affect the entire constellation (skills) of the chosen stone (warrior, mage, rogue) and increase the rate at which the skills in that constellation level, whereas birth signs affect specific attributes and do not affect the leveling rate; completely different ideas.
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:31 am

Healthy glass of pessimism right there bud. <_<

You are correct, Todd Howard specifically mentions that which ever stone you choose, will give you a "special power" and also allow the player to level the skills related to the chosen stone increase faster.

He's actually 100% right according to the E3 demo presented by Todd Howard. Todd said: "...having the stars bless you with a special power, you can only have one (1) of these at a time. So this one right here, the Warrior Stone, is going to make ALL of your warrior skills increase faster."

Yes, but we only saw the three "basic" ones which fit the three "archetypes." I would not be surprised to see Guardian Stones have other effects then raising certain skills faster. I'm sure some of the past birthsigns will be emulated in these stones.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:32 am

So now that major and minor skills don't exist and everything goes towards leveling up, is there no real need for builds anymore? I know race will likely effect starting skill levels, but is there much else? I suppose there will be some room for "builds" when it comes to which stats you raise when you level. For example, I love to play balanced, some melee with lots of magic and light armor. My brother usually plays all melee with heavy armor and maybe a heal spell here and there. So while I split my stat points when I level over both heath and magic, he'll conventrate more on health and have higher health at any given level than me. But other than that, given time and assuming initial racial bonuses and reductions can be over come, can any character effectively be the same as any other?

I actually feel as though we'll have more "build" options with Skyrims skill set and character systems than we've ever had before :shrug:...
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Becky Cox
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:39 pm

Also, it's been stated that higher level skills, despite taking longer to increase, will affect your level more than lower level skills. So, specializing will allow you to level more efficiently.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:08 pm

This is easily the dumbest change BGS have made in my opinion. They should've gone back to Daggerfall's character creation.

My character is a fully grown advlt when I create them, and they're a blank slate? :confused: really, Bethesda? ... All they have to justify this change is the ridiculous paranoia that some people end up building a character they don't like, and storming off in a huff after half an hour, too lazy or impatient to restart. It's nonsense!

Ridiculous paranoia? I completely disagree. I had quite often the problem of trying to create the perfect build for my character in the previous TES games, but never ended up being completely satisfied. And are you really calling people who start a game with almost no knowledge of it and try to create something they have almost no knowledge of and then being disappointed because they wish they had created something different lazy or impatient because they would like to restart but feel like if they did their previous creation would have been a waste of time? That's kind of extreme, don't you think?
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:34 am

They may be gone in the traditional sense but that dosn't stop us from calling ourselves what we feel we are.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:07 pm

I'd say builds are more than before.... yeah, you don't get to label everything right at the beginning ("These are my major skills, this is my birthsign"), but in the old games you could eventually work up to maxing everything. 100 in all skills, 100 in all stats... only difference between characters would be the power you got from the birthsign or race. Since you can't get every perk in Skyrim, "late game" characters will be more different than they were in Oblivion. Sounds like a "build" to me..... :shrug:
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:54 pm

Regardless, the fact that we are up in arms about this means something is wrong!

If we are just reassured that all is well by Bethesda... then maybe we'll all get some sleep tonight!
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:10 pm

There's even more of it.

A fairly easy to understand explanation:

You'll never be able to get all the perks, thus, customizing your character build is more complex than before. And a good build would actually need to use the minor skills a lot to get max benefit when leveling, thus making your minor skills your actual major skills. That has been removed.

People saying they begin from blank state are just looping around some minor detail, that if taken to extremes, would mean that I should, if I want, be able to begin the game as level 70 with 50 perks already chosen. Because hey, my old character isn't going to be a blank character, herp derp.
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victoria gillis
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:42 am


After I spent YEARS planning my character's history... to find that she will not be born under the Shadow?


lawl, now there's a reaction... Hands Amiki an iced tea and sends her to to listen to Pete talk about how birthsigns are chosen and guardian stones! :tes:

p.s. right around 2:10 into the vid :D
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candice keenan
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:27 am

How did CC work in Daggerfall? I've never played it.
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:02 pm

Builds are still very relevant in Skyrim; all that's changed (and what sets it further apart from most other RPGs) is that they're now more complex. Instead of classes, we effectively have playing styles; the resulting levels, attributes and specific abilities (okay, perks) remain, but the paths that lead there are less restricted and more organic.

Very well said, some don't feel that way but they should at least take your comments into consideration. I was a firm believer that builds were not that complex in the previous games besides the ?'s asked in char building, but at least our hands aren't tied because of the limitations of previous builds.

Perks should help build our character, along with more indepth skills than ever before, and guardian stones (there are more stones besides the guardian stones we seen in the demo, according to Todd on E3).
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.X chantelle .x Smith
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:32 am

This is easily the dumbest change BGS have made in my opinion. They should've gone back to Daggerfall's character creation.

My character is a fully grown advlt when I create them, and they're a blank slate? :confused: really, Bethesda? ... All they have to justify this change is the ridiculous paranoia that some people end up building a character they don't like, and storming off in a huff after half an hour, too lazy or impatient to restart. It's nonsense!

If you're going to call something dumb, at form your sentence correctly. *has made

One of the more asinine posts I've read on these forums lately, which speaks volumes. The whole idea behind the new system is to allow players to create a character of THEIR choosing, which is completely logical considering this is what the majority of it's target audience calls for. Having a preset or predetermined character would make the story more linear, whereas being able to create ANY type of character you want regardless of race allows a player to choose exactly what they want and how they want it.

Being over-dramatic doesn't make your argument any more valid; in fact it infers you're likely speaking objectively.
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:18 am

If you're going to call something dumb, at form your sentence correctly. *has made

Wow. AT LEAST form yours correctly too! :shakehead:
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:06 am

If anything there were no builds before and now due to perks there are.

You can choose what skills you want to use and they will increase obviously but choosing to do X doesnt mean you cant do Y so you arnt really picking a build. Thats more like choosing what you want to do first. This was the case in Oblivion and will be the case for Skyrim. However the perks will be where the "choosing a build" stuff will happen.

There are the health, stamina and magicka increases of course in addition to that.
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:19 pm

I'd say builds are more than before.... yeah, you don't get to label everything right at the beginning ("These are my major skills, this is my birthsign"), but in the old games you could eventually work up to maxing everything. 100 in all skills, 100 in all stats... only difference between characters would be the power you got from the birthsign or race. Since you can get every perk in Skyrim, "late game" characters will be more different than they were in Oblivion. Sounds like a "build" to me..... :shrug:

I can't exactly remember where I heard this but Pete Hines said that no, you can't get every perk in the game as there is over 200...
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Miss K
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:55 am

How did CC work in Daggerfall? I've never played it.

Choose race
Choose class
Choose primary, major, and minor skills
Give yourself advantages and disadvantages
Choose affiliations (nobles, peasants, scholars, etc...)
Roll your stats, sorta like D&D
Answer questions about the background of your character (which is pretty cool)

I was surprised there were not any armour skills, a medical skill, backstabbing (should be a perk in skyrim in stealth), dodging (I like this one and should be a skill in Skyrim), streetwise, etiquitte, mercantile, and 6-8 languages (harpy, dragonish, impish, etc...); so most are redundant and others are useless.

Technically Skyrim has more that 18 skills (1H and 2H) really is blunt, axe, long sword, dagger, and short sword depending on the perk you choose, and speech is mercantile, etiquitte, streetwise.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:15 pm

If you can figure out a way to raise every skill at the same time, and getting all of their perks, then yes.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:36 am

There will be builds, they will consist of perk choices.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:07 am

I can't exactly remember where I heard this but Pete Hines said that no, you can't get every perk in the game as there is over 200...

Yes, that would be a massive type. I meant to say "can't".. :D
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