However, as I said, that's pretty irrelevant now. Consoles do exist and they're here to stay. By looking from that perspective, consoles help for more sales, but at the same time, they make development slower as new things/technology/gaming possibilites can't be utilized for obvious reasons. Still, consoles are much cheaper (and easier to use) than PCs and simply feel more casual and "soft" to play on I think. It's often more social as well. This appeals for many customers I believe. For those reasons, I think the "console help for more sales" part probably outweight the other one.
I highly doubt the answer would be yes. Consoles were created with the sole purpose of making gaming more accessible to the average person. While consoles certainly do have an impact in when BGS releases new games, I dont think they necessarily slow down the entire cycle. Not in a linear sense anyway. Im sure there are some graphical upgrades BGS could have implemented if they would have waited for the next generation, but Todd said they were fine with the current one. We'll have to see when Fallout 4 is released to really judge anything, but I wouldnt say consoles are much of a hindrance to how fast they can produce titles. The technology can still make great games. With that said, I think consoles have really helped keep gaming alive and thriving. If you can afford higher end gaming on a computer, then props to you. But I'm sure BGS appreciates the extra revenue. Thats why they can have so much more detail.
Detail trumps mere graphics.