Here's the issue.
A.) This means Power Armor is practically required to fight a Deathclaw, and that without Power Armor, you'll need really tedious Stimpack spam to kill them. Again this is why I mention the sewers, cause distance advantage could've provided an alternative solution for light armor characters aside from stimpack spam, but with deathclaws getting the drop on you, that possibility is now null.
B.) The power armor actually isn't neccesary, and even without Power armor, you will outpace the damage of a deathclaw. This means a deathclaw provides only an illusion of challenge while actually being a very safe and secure fight to partake in. It'll be dull, which is scary to think about, considering deathclaws are SUPPOSED to be one of the most challenging opponents in the game. "New game new mechanics" could be a counter-argument, but I see absolutely zero motivation for them to change deathclaws as powerhouses since they have a reputation of being the staple of "hard enemy" in Fallout, nor do I think they lost that role given that Bethesda chose to showcase these guys in their footage.
Either way, the example footage suggests we'll either be limited in armor choice or the combat in this game will be pretty hand-holdy. Both are bad, if you ask me.
Two things:
1) Melee can totally kill a deathclaw. Melee and Unarmed get Super Slam and Paralyzing Palm respectively to make this happen. Is it a lot riskier and scarier? Hell yeah. Doable? Absolutely. Makes you feel badass to go toe-to-toe with a deathclaw and win? Yep.
2) It's sometimes easy to critique a style, but not so easy to suggest an alternative. Deathclaws either functioned to test your aim (missing meant they'd likely find you), test your trap-planning ability, or test your stats. (by stats I mean weapons such as a Fat Man or Minigun can absolutely kill these guys head-on, but these are very demanding on STR and their respective skills, not to mention income and cost) Would it be nice if Deathclaws challenged more playstyles rather than slaughtering them or making the odds iffy?? Absolutely. But how would you suggest doing that? If you would do it by lowering their damage, this is quid pro quo, because now the very same snipers and minigun users scoff at deathclaws, call them too easy and pick them off without a care in the world.
Furthermore, I think deathclaws only challenging some playstyles would be an issue if it applied to every enemy type. New Vegas provided multiple types with multiple strategies. You do not want to try and snipe versus a cazador swarm; you'll try because why not, but you'll quickly end up with a full-auto weapon in the hand as you aim for their wings. You do not snipe in OWB because it's simply not viable; the enemies see all. You don't likely use a minigun either because it's so demanding on ammo count that if you've got hardcoe mode on, you might sincerely struggle with bringing enough ammo to deal with all the enemies present. Melee and Unarmed also shine when it comes time to fight close quarters or in areas such as Dead Money, because there enemies die by being crippled, which melee and unarmed do better. Every playstyle will encounter some form of challenge, they'll just encounter it in different parts of the game.
So until a good working alternative is provided, I think they did the best they could: different enemy types challenge different playstyles, so you end up being tested either in a wide variety of talents OR you're expected to excel with your chosen playstyle, because there will be an enemy type you'll struggle with.
I don't see how any of this negates my argument. Edited or no, you can catch a glimpse of the minigun's DPS on the deathclaw in each individual cut. I agree it's scripted, but does that mean this deathclaw is programmed to be easier...? It's possible, just like it's possible that this footage isn't a good showcase of what a deathclaw is like. But that's always been a risk that I'm wrong and will always be a risk since release. I'm merely using the little evidence and footage I have to try and speculate what this game will be like, and sadly, I know Bethesda has a bad habit of stacking enemies with HP rather than damage, resulting in tedious fights.
Anyone who doubts that? Load up FO3 on a character with Power Armor and 60+ DR, go fight a deathclaw. Now load up New Vegas and go do the same. You should see a clear difference in how long the fight lasts. (should clarify that I don't think deathclaws got HP boosts in FO3, but rather the damage you can deal is far more limited whereas your armor is superior. Vegas is the opposite, with quality weaponry but limited armor)