I hope Deathclaws do become more powerful, in Fallout 3 they were sort of a joke. By time you encountered one you usually had good enough equipment that you could fight them without incident. I want Deathclaws to truly be something to fear, so if I have to run and hide from them when I'm out of my power armor so be it. I think it would add to the suspense and horror of the wasteland, by having something that is truly a terrifying foe.
I don't think we'll need Power Armor to kill Deathclaws... but I'm sure it helps. I imagine Deathclaws won't be any harder than they've always been, although they've been given some sweet kill cams to use against us.
The way I've been thinking about it is that Deathclaws are probably going to be to Fallout 4 what Dragons were to Skyrim.... or at least what they are if you apply the Deadly Dragons mod.
Well it was an e3 gameplay montage. Those arent very good at representing actual gameplay. More than likely it was just to show off the kill animation.
I do hope deathclaws are harder. I want to be TERRIFIED of them in the wasteland even when I'm high level. And NOT because theyre bullet-sponges. Make them actual difficult fights
My first random encounter in Fallout 3 was with the wounded Deathclaw in that barn just above Vault 101. BB gunning one was terrible but awesome.
The thing that really neutered Deathclaws was the Dart Gun (which I hope comes back).
If it has ungodly amounts of hit points and ungodly dishing out damage, then no. That is a cheap way to make a powerful enemy. If it actually had intelligent AI then yes.
It'd be cool to see Deathclaws laying traps or try and funnel prey into a killzone where they can surround it.
-recalls all the times a Deathclaw killed me in 3 and NV-
...You mean they weren't already extremely powerful??
*Sloan quarry & Old Olney flashbacks* T_T
Or maybe give Deathclaws the ability to scale and climb structures as well as being able to reach out and grab NPCS trying to hide in small corridors.
I can already see most of the Deathclaw haters on the forums grabbing their pitchforks for me...
That would be absolutely terrifying, and you're a monster for suggesting it. And I really want to see this happen in game. I want to be as scared of Deathclaws as I wanted to be with dragons in Skyrim.
Actually, when I was talking about Deathclaws laying traps, the first image that came to my mind is that scene of Gollum at the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTSoD4BBCJc
Imagine thinking you got away because you couldn't see the Deathclaw anymore, only to look up and find there's one staring down at you...
To me, the key about making them scary isn't just making them tough. It's about making you realize that they're smarter than other enemies.
The idea of running into three Deathclaws in an urban environment and seeing them all charge me isn't nearly as frightening to me as running into three Deathclaws in an urban environment and seeing two of them dart off somewhere I can't see while I'm left to deal with the last one, not knowing when the other two are going to join the fray, if that doorway is safe to run through, or if another Deathclaw is lying in wait.
Granted, this kind of terror is thrown off a bit by the Perception stat...
you don't need a tank to destroy a tank but it sure saves a lot of time its kind of like that you want to beat a deathclaw slightly easier fight at there level.
I had already gone through that terrifying deathclaw cave by the time I got to Old Olney, so I was rocking the T-51b and Vengeance. Deathclaws still weren't something I'd want to encounter.
Note that the deathclaw insta-kill animation was played when the character was reloading. I assume that being in a position of performing an action that leaves you exposed causes this. That or low-health threshhold.
I dont think Deathclaws will have a free auto-kill move in melee. That would make all melee builds obsolete.
yeah just like in skyrim one time my head was cut from my shoulders from draugr deathlord all that footage showed me was this what happens if you lose to deathclaw.
but making power armour needed to fight them kinda flys in the face of "player freedom" it will not happen. thou useing power armour this time around looks useful instead of meh.