The Legendary Glowing Deathclaw I met the other day when I was returning from supplying some settlers at Nordhagen Beach with armour & armerments certainly didn't feel weak...
My bullets only tickled him and he killed me in a single blow.
The Legendary Glowing Deathclaw I met the other day when I was returning from supplying some settlers at Nordhagen Beach with armour & armerments certainly didn't feel weak...
My bullets only tickled him and he killed me in a single blow.
Mid 30's, DR at 130, Deathclaws still give me enough of a challenge for a tussle. Maybe it's because I almost never meet a regular Deathclaw. Oh no. The game loves to throw Alpha Deathclaws.
To date the only regular Deathclaw I met was in/around/near/not-telling the Mayoral Shelter. It's always Legendary and up.
So you managed to kill the Deathclaw before it could kill you, and now they're too weak? Great anolysis and research there, I'm sure Bethesda engineers are calling for a meeting right now.
Deathclaws are very much capable of killing you instantly if you're not careful, but that's about it. I find the Deathclaws in this game are too clumsy and slow when coming after the player, and it makes them too much of an easy target that you can outrun. I remember when the Deathclaws of FO3 and NV spotted you, they would come after you like a bullet on crack and you couldn't outrun it unless you were able to put obstacles between you and it. They also don't seem as perceptive as they were in previous games, which makes pulling off sneak crits a bit too easy.
I find the robots of Fallout 4 have replaced the likes of the Deathclaw in being the most feared enemies (although the Sentry Bot always gave the Deathclaw a run for its money). Robots such as the Sentry Bot and Assaultron are relentless and will chase you down to the ends of the earth to kill you. Even on the brink of death, and even after death will they try to kill you.
I usually run into Deathclaws in the Glowing Sea, when I've got Power Armor and my Assault Rife. And I admit they seem to go down quicker than I remember. It's those freaking Radscorpions I hate in the Sea, especially the "Predator" variety. They seem to soak up bullets.
Deathclaws are weaklings in this game. I took down one with my level 15 melee character and i had to use stimpaks only because it can stun-lock you to death with its attacks. Otherwise, mirelurks, super mutants ( wait when you meet overlord, primus and Warlord ) and especialyl sentry bots seem to much more dangerous.
So a LVL 45 with a fully modded .44 shouldn't' be able to kill a Deathclaw?
I think one thing to consider is that if you have developed your character to optimize your VATS combat, you should not be surprise that VATS (with a decent damage weapon) will likely wipe the floor with any foe. Try the same combat out of VATS and see how it goes....
I'll agree with everything here except the sentry bots. It really depends on where you encounter them. In the wide open they wreak havoc, but if you encounter them in any close quarters area like alleys, inside buildings, etc. they are a piece of cake.
For some reason whenever I walk around a corner they don't follow me, so I've found that all I have to do is enter a doorway or walk around the alley corner and they stay there. Wait for them to stop shooting and then hit them. I hardly take damage.
Nope. No VATS specialist.
Stealth, Charisma, Intelligence and Assuat rifle specialist.
Deathclaws are more "startling" than they are an actual threat. They honestly aren't that hard to kill. I've only encountered four of them so far, and aside from the first one in Concord, they've all gone down within about 5-6 shots from my modded combat rifle.
I have a low end (3), and if a deathclaw hits me, I die in one hit. Maybe not now at level 40, but I certainly cant take two hits. That said, if I see one, I swap to my gause rifle and plant 3 in the belly. That will stop pretty much anything. The same gun with headshots will usually only take one shot to kill most other things, so I feel deathclaws are plenty scary. If they get the jump on me, I die. When I ran into one in malden at level 15 or so, I died hard, when I reloaded, I ran for high ground before he saw me, and was able to kill him, but when you are on open terrain or close quarters, they are damn scary.
At level 45, everything will start to feel 'weak' especially if you have been spending your perk points wisely. I'm at level 52 and while playing last night I just realized that I could get by with my Legendary modded Assault Rifle, some grenades, and combat armor over ballistic cloth fatigues. Heck, I was doing fine just wearing Silver Shroud armor. I think this is normal in a Bethesda game. You basically own the Commonwealth by this level.
I find fly and radscorpion to be the toughest enemies.
Honestly though, I feel a lot of enemies in the game needs some re-balancing. Not just Deathclaws. Then again, certain weapons also need rebalancing and the perks as well. For example, I feel the weapon perks shouldn't increase your damage up to 200% but rather up to 150% instead. Even at 180% damage, a combat shotgun wrecks pretty much everything, even in Survival mode. The Sniper perk should also give damage bonuses for Sniper rifles, especially for .308 ones. I feel that Sniper rifles don't do as much damage as they should. Heck, my pistol does more damage than my sniper, even if I upgrade my sniper to .50...
Hopefully, Bethesda would take notice and probably update this kind of stuff in patches.
I would say they are more annoying then hard. They are just hard to hit outside of vats
Yes, plenty, nothing special. They go down with 2-3 shots of Gauss rifle.
I find them to be the most overrated enemies in this series. Well, I guess it's understandable since they're kinda a symbol of fallout games, like vault boy. But still, they're nowhere near as deadly as people make them to be.
They were way less scary in NV and trivialized beause they appeared in packs. These are so much better.
I like how radscorpions manage to be over 3X as scary as deathclaws.