And if they did, then fire breathing dishes would become mundane. I think people are envisioning the first dragon fight rather than the tenth in a session.
I'm not, think about it. Every dragon fight will happen in different locations (most likely) and thus you've got different terrain to deal with, different weapons, playstyles, magic, archery, other creatures nearby etc. all factor in. Each fight has the potential to be completely unique.
lol. just like radiant AI footage was unscripted... please. so your saying we can levitate!? or should we ignore the several impossible camra angles from mid air. this is clearly not 100% gameplay footage. beth has stretched the truth and flat out lied before. Have you not seen a single machnima in your life? Have you never played a game with a spectator mode or a free camera toggle? All of those angles are easily accessible with a single console command, it won't be as fluid when you do it with a mouse and keyboard, but it's absolutely doable. How exactly they did it I don't know, I wasn't there and I don't know how the updated engine works. What I do know is that those camera angles are not enough to dismiss this trailer.