Mages were too powerful anyway. And Beth removed most of these things to improve the game, not nessecerely make the mages less powerful.
Cutting out features to 'improve the game'? Hmm.
Personally, I reckon that if mages are too powerful due to the variety of spells they can cast then instead of stripping out spells a developer ought to try some other way of balancing them. Imposing a stamina penalty for spell use, or a health penalty for practising magic skills instead of combat skills - oh, wait they took out attributes, which would be the obvious mechanism for doing that, didn't they :rolleyes:.
Some spells I understand their taking out, like levitation and teleportation, because their designers were finding it hard to create interesting and varied quests that remained interesting and challenging with those particular powers available. My instinct, though, would have been to find ways of imposing reasonable limits on the spells (e.g. making it impossible to cast spells or fight while levitating, preventing teleportation when enemies are near) and spending more effort on playtesting and tweaking quests to account for these abilities.
Then again, I've never developed a game so what do I know
