Are MGE MGE XE, FPS Optimiser, and MW Enhanced compatible?

Post » Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:40 am

Hello! I recently got a new laptop more suited to gaming than my last one which was really just a word processor, to play with over the next four years or so as I travel. I've installed Morrowind, and it runs a hell of a lot better than it did. With expansions and no mods, I'm getting 60+ (up to 84 or so) fps at max settings (even the pointless shadows) in outdoor Seyda neen, going into the 90-100 range indoors. A big step up from having to crank the fog to medium to even get a stable 20+ in interiors.

So, now I'm going to mod it - mostly just graphics, of course Better Bodies and the like but also textures that retain the spirit of the original, and bugfixes, and just a couple tiny additions / rebalance things (e.g. state-based HP cap, Madd Leveller because I had enough of TES levelling in Oblivion). I'm mostly going off Knots' Morrowind Modding guide, but also taking a few cues from this forum's stickies and BTB's mod list.

After I've got the mods in, I'll also try MGE, for the effects rather than Distant Land. However, I need to know if MGE / MGE XE are compatible with Morrowind FPS Optimiser and Morrowind Enhanced.

The FPS optimiser is a program that basically lets you do two things: change game settings (such as view distance, resolution, AI distance) to values below and above the ones the options menu presents you with, and auto-adjust them on the fly to maintain an fps range you specify to save you dipping in and out of the menu. As it simply detects when an instance of Morrowind is running, I would assume it works with MGE, but I know MGE has its own tricks with the draw distance, so does anyone know if there are conflicts?

Morrowind Enhanced is a program that enables a bunch of other mods. You might have heard of Combat Enhanced. That's one of them. The two I'm interested in, though, are Writing Enhanced and Journal Enhanced. The former adds books and paper scrolls that you can freely write what you want in, and the latter lets you do the same with your journal. I'd like this mod so I can keep my notes in-game, as well as roleplay via journal and leave 'Kick me' signs around Fargoth.

It's been a while (years) since I used MWE so I can't remember exactly how it works, but if memory serves you have to use it to start your Morrowind Launcher before starting the game. I haven't found anything recent on MWE's compatability with MGE, all I've found is a post from 2008(!) saying that running it with MGE causes a CTD, and without it, it's fine.

Some of my mods might require Morrowind Script Extender, but that's easy to run and if I get MGE working, it's bundled with MGE anyway.

So, does anybody know if these have conflicts?

In case it's any help, Windows 8.1, 8GB DDR3 RAM (I can use the 4gb patch to actually put it to use) Nvidia Geforce 840M. Intel 52000U CPU (1.6GHz dual core, which is a bit disappointing given my GPU and RAM).

Thanks in advance!

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sam westover
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