10-4. I'll keep that on my wish list. Guess I'm going to have to think about Xbox live for a little bit. The onnly reason I'd rather have DLCs on a disc is just in case and when my Xbox does give me that final red ring of death, I can still enjoy my games. ha ha. Thanks for the help, guys.
You know that when your Xbox Red Rings you can take your hardrive off and then send it away for repairs, right?
Mines has RR 4 times now that it needed repaired and each time I took my harddrive out before sending it off, Microsoft don't want/need it and don't return it if you send it away.
With the 3RR don't be quick to write it off either, mines did it last week but its still working normal.
So yeah, if you get them by DLC and you RR take your HDD out before sending it away

You could also back them up on a USB once there downloaded