And what makes you so entitled that everything has to be perfect IMMEDIATELY. Yes, I am tired of the complainers. The way I look at it is, what's the point? Either your issues will get fixed or not. Whining about them on the General Forum will do you no good. Submit your issues in the appropriate format and to the appropriate contacts and perhaps something will get done.
Until then, stop whining. If you're so unhappy: fix it yourselves or stop playing. Those are your choices.
What I don't understand is that y'all act like this was totally unexpected. This happens with every single game that has come out since the beginning of games. There were glitches in Pong for goodness sake as somebody else pointed out.
Do you have no idea of the history of these sort of huge games? Do you have no idea of the history of Bethesda games? If you don't, perhaps you should read the forums just recently for Witcher, Dragon Age, CoD or any other AAA games. They all contain this sort of thing. Go back further. Check out the original Skyrim forums, the original NV forums, the original FO3 forums, Oblivion, Dragon Age II, Dragon's Dogma and on and on and on. It is the nature of the beast.
Whining doesn't solve anything. Taking action does. Submit your issues. There was an excellent explanation as to how this sort of thing works and just what is required to do these patches either earlier in this thread or in a thread with basically the same theme on this forum. It is all about priority and workability, not about complaining about minutiae. In a game this size, serious issues need to be addressed first. And this is on multiple platforms.
Y'all act like Bethesda should immediately jump on board and fix or patch or whatever ever single little inconvenience you might be experiencing AND start releasing DLC's, expansions and add-ons NOW. Give it some time for goodness sake. Do you really want to experience the daily updates that break the entire system regularly like we do with ESO?
I just don't understand it. It's the most entitled thing I have ever heard. Why can't we just be grateful that there is finally a new Fallout game and leave it at that. Things will get fixed (or they won't if they're not important - look at Skyrim and it's remaining glitches).
And, again, I ask you: Why is it wrong that I don't feel like I am experiencing all the glitches and bugs that y'all are constantly complaining about? Is it that I am a realist that doesn't expect everything to be perfect all the time or is it that I am simply playing a game that, in the long run, is only there to entertain me before I go out with my friends and experience my own experiences.
Yes. I agree that there is some weird stuff that happens and that there are minor inconveniences, but, I have played through this game 3 full times and am nearly finished with 2 other playthroughs on the PS4 and I have yet to experience anything game breaking or anything other than a minor inconvenience (and that includes Monsignor Plaza). I have played games for more than 30 years now and moderate on a number of other forums where we have this sort of thing regularly.
Submit your issues to the developers with as much backup and proof as you can through the appropriate channels and they will receive and consider it. That's the best you can do. Simply complaining about the same stuff over and over and over in a General Discussion forum doesn't do you any good.
Just enjoy the game! And if you can't enjoy it. Don't play it. Life is far too short to stress yourself out over a game.