I think this is just for Steam users but once it's out of beta it should be available to other systems. I think this is just for Steam users but once it's out of beta it should be available to other systems.
Nope. Not at all. I count myself lucky. Your comment is a bit snarky for the subject, isn't it? Is it really my fault if the bugs and glitches some of you complain about are not something I suffer from? Perhaps I just don't notice them as they are unimportant to me. It's just me. I am sorry if they're serious issues to you and I hope that you can get the developers to address your problems. In the meantime, I will simply enjoy the game in my own way.
As to bugs and glitches, simply submitting them in the correct format should, at least do something. As a moderator on a number of other forums, I can tell you that we're not paying attention to complaints about bugs, glitches or issues (although, occasionally something will catch our eye). Our job is to monitor content, tone, language, violations of the user agreements, etc... I will, however, sometimes respond in a PM to a poster with an issue with the same information I provided in my post about the best way to get a message to the developers for action.
Is it odd that most of the people that post about "bugs" and "glitches" seem to be on PC? Aren't y'all of the "Master Race" the ones that can mod the heck out of your games in the first place to either fix issues or cause more because you are subverting the original coding?
it can easily, if you tweak the distant shadows
most people don't even seem to bother trying fixing things by themselves :/
a big strength of PC games was always that we had things like the .ini files, where we could tweak the game to our liking and make the gaming experience as fluid and fun as possible... and it's really not science and fairly easy to do ^^ but so many people just don't care and expect the games to run perfectly from scratch on
To all the people lamenting "no communication":
If The Todd himself came here and said "we are working on it" what difference would it really make? Does anybody honestly doubt they are working on a patch?
Frankly, any post that says anything like "we are working on it" would likely cause more strife than it would solve. Everyone and their grandmother would only berate the poster with their pet grievances and then slam the poster for not answering or playing favorites with the bugs they announced they were looking at.
I never fault developers for not posting; I've been around long enough to see that it is almost wholly unappreciated and nearly always a jump off for attacks.
My 970 rocks a solid 70+ on Ultra. I rarely see it drop except for loading some large cells, and even then it dips to about 40 ish then right back up to 70.
"Added status menu for settlers in your settlements" ... Yeah!
They haven't fixed the holstered weapons visibility problem...
Ok, I know, it is never going to happen, but hope never dies.
I don't think that's a problem, I think it's a mistake, yes, but I believe it's part of their design.
I suspected that. For me it remains an extremely annoying problem. But this remains only my opinion.
Yeah I just disabled distance shadows and that made a world of difference.
About bloody time something was done. Would love to see how this done, but I generally don't use beta patches.
It's those 40ish drops that kill me, they happen in cool places like on top of Corvega and less than 55-60 isn't acceptable for me when it comes to shooters. Although I'm not too proud to admit that I spoke too soon. The fps drops in those areas are pretty much gone with this patch and maxing the new gfx options has no performance impact for me. They look great too! Fog is intense af and looks better than the True Storms mod now. Grass doesn't turn white in the sun with the new AO etc..
My only gripe with it is that it keeps resetting my plugins even when the file is set to read only, but it's a small price to pay for such a patch from Bethesda. I'm really impressed I've never seen them address performance issues like that before.
The performance of this game is atrocious. Not because of distant shadows. Because of FORCED VSYNCH! This is the only PC game I've ever played that literally forces you to use VSYNCH. I manually disabled it and was pretty confused when my FPS shot up to 140 and NPCs started talking at a million miles an hour. So I do some research and.... this game's physics are tied to its FPS...... LOL WAT?!?!?!?
I have a GTX980 and i5 4670k at 4.2ghz, Samsung 840 PRO SSD.... game still drops to 30fps in city areas. And it wouldn't.... if not for FORCED BLOODY VSYNCH!!!! Ok rant over.
Wow either turn down your really devoted fan dial or stop generalizing people so much. I have nothing against console players, and these issues aren't even exclusive to PC. PS4 players will probably see their frame drops go away once they get this patch as well. And no, modding can't fix everything especially when we don't have the tools yet. Skyrim had the same kind of fps drops in some places and neither modders nor Bethesda ever managed to fix it.
You guys really need to stop assuming you know everything about everyone. I was talking about the game with shadow distance to medium and godrays off...
Just so you know, Bethesda is not the same company as Bethesda.
DOOM is developed by id Software and distributed by Bethesda Softworks.
Fallout and Elder Scrolls (NOT Elder Scrolls Online) are developed by Bethesda Game Studios and distributed by Bethesda Softworks.
All of these companies (and more) are owned by ZeniMax Media, Inc.
Unless BGS got dragged into helping id finish DOOM, then DOOM's release schedule should have very little impact on patches and DLC's for Fallout 4.
Yup. You don't know how many times I mention Zeni and the different Beth's and people haven't a clue.
medium is sadly not enough ^^
the 'medium' value in the .ini is 15,000
the 'low' value in the .ini is 3,000
EDIT: never mind there is only med, high and ultra :/
so high is 15,000 and med 3,000... I'm sorry ^^
the terrible drops to ~45 frames in Corvega stay there until you lower the value up to ~5,000
but yeah... ^^ I'm also that type of person who hates anything below 60fps
and seeing some console people (not you Sonny ^^) laughing at us, because of our problems, makes me think how they can handle 30 fps :/
I already get terrified if a game dips below 50
Yes it was snarky. I think your just here because you like to complain about the Complainers, doesnt matter if you are right or whatever. You always say things like "ey my Game runs fine". What do you expect from other People with Problems when they hear this over and over again? Being snarky is the soft Form People could go with you.
And about PC Masterrace, i just look at the first Site of PS4 Forum and i see 85% Glitches, Bugs and whatever Threads... yeah no Bugs!
1. Its not Part of a Player to Fix a Game. I mean you People call us Players with Problems impatient, but whos more impatient, the Company which wants fast Money and make a to fast Release or the Players with a buggy Game finding many Bugs, and some of them are really easy to Fix but they have to wait over 2 Months for a Fix.
2. Guessing the most PC People already tried to fix some Bugs on own Way, but do you really think that the most, maybe all, Bugs can be fixed without any Tools while the Developers needs Months for it? Please take this serious.
What the hell are you playing? Some platinum version the rest of us don't have access to??
well, I think it's barely possible to create games that fit every single system nowadays... especially when a game is as large and open as Fallout ^^ and especially when developers concentrate their work on consoles
and there is a big difference between tweaking and fixing:
playing around with different settings, AA-options, Vsync, by using changes in the .ini and in the game menu
overall smoothing the experience by removing things like mouse acceleration
those are the things, that everyone who chooses PC as a plattform, should know how to do, to be able to play games
we do have a lot of advantages on PC, but we also have to work for them, to make every game suit our system
fixing bugs is a complete other thing
I'm not really paying attention to FPS when I'm being shot at by 20 people and blowing their heads off. As long as it works, what do I care. I'm old, I couldn't tell 60FPS from 10.
People have different standards though. Some people just don't care that much about performance.
True, some just don't pay attention and don't stop to look under the hood. Ignorance is bliss, after all =)