At any rate: most people complained about Oblivion because it just seemed to lack in creative inspiration compared to Morrowind. Oblivion was just another generic standard LotR/Medieval high fantasy setting, there was almost no inspiration and creativity in it. Also, Beth made some poor gameplay decisions in the design process, like for instance: the way to extensive leveled scaling and leveled loot, the bland and generic (though pretty) landscape and scenery, the obvious issues with scale, few joinable guilds that had no influence on each other, some clear contradictions with TES lore, etc, etc.
I do not want Skyrim to be Morrowind. But I would want to see some of that amazing creativity which we know Bethesda are capable of make it's way back to TES.
Then I'm afraid you will get disappointed you will not get a landscape like Morrowind or SI it will not fit in the setting. It will not be all snow but I will guess we get more Oblivion landscapes, with better graphic and more cool sites. Cool plants is cool but don't fit in Skyrim, not saying none of them will attack you but most will be normal looking.
If they wanted exotic landscapes the location would be Sumerset isles.
One thing I hope they take from Morrowind is the realistic factions. You should have different factions who oppose each other with headquarters in different cities. Add a deep background and lore like Morrowind together with skill requirements in guilds.
Oblivion the magic system, but improve on combat, I would actualy prefer level scaled loot to the go to ghostgate for glass armor at level 4, get daeric twohands sword at level 7 setup Fallout 3 was even worse here Lincoln's repeater the overall best small gun (yes other was far better in close up sneak) was ridiculous easy to get, best big gun was relatively easy to get, however fallout 3 balanced this with hard to get ammo and repair so Vengeance at level 5 would not help you much as you could not afford ammo and upkeep. However in a Elder scroll setting this would be bad, hopefully they understand that fools will complain after reading the walkthrough at uesp get the top items and complain that the game is to easy. Probably a combination here.
One feature from fallout 3, use item condition for levelling npc. Worked so well few notice it.
And yes an improved version of the follower system.