I mean, c'mon.
They don't listen to us.
They destroyed everything that was great about 'Crysis'.
Crysis WAS unique, but Crysis 2 isn't

What can we do to get a better game?
I am so disappointed and sure Crysis 3 will be the same FAIL as Crysis 2 is (because of multiplatform).
You're logic makes no sense. Crytek CAN'T listen to us because most threads are buried to fast for when they have their two main moderators THAT HAVE LIVES check. In addition, they can't answer back because their too busy already fixing the problems at hand and are trying to finish off DX11 to give to us. Not to mention finishing Sandbox Editor 3 in order to compete with UDK.
You have no proper points on what they ruined that was great about Crysis. Last I checked, Crysis had a multiplayer fanbase of a few hundred consistent gamers AND many considered the story mediocre and cried they couldn't run the game. Crysis 2, is STILL fun on PC except is now controller friendly, AND it has a good multiplayer unlike Crysis 1 multiplayer and Crysis Wars. The only problem with Crysis 2 MIGHT be that it is a bit more linear (BUT Crysis 1 was linear too. Stop saying it's a full on sandbox, IT'S NOT, it's actually a coregraphed sandbox itself really. Crysis 2 is more coregraphed AND in Crysis 2, there's still the play how you want aspect in the game. It traded MAXIMUM GAME for MAXIMUM GAMING, if you know what I mean. That's for the better IMO), and worse textures (but even some textures are to the standards of Crysis 1. Also don't forget DX11 is going to make the game look better AND Crysis 2 has superior, lighting, shadows, AA, and water effects than Crysis 1. I think people are under the impression it looks worse because it's not on an island. Also, you guys keep comparing Crysis 2 with modded Crysis 1 not vanilla Crysis 1).
You're most likely dissapointed because this game didn't fail on consoles. Get off your high horse, seriously. Appreciate that Crytek is still trying to improve the game as it is even more, understand why it wasn't finished (it has to do with EA not giving Crytek the time to properly finish since they wanted the game out in order to get sales as soon as possible since this is their March 2011 financial quarter sales), AND stop being under the impression that "DERP, MULTIPLATFORM=svckY GAME." Idiot.