"children of Skyrim, you have the truth of it. You may call this province home, but you can no sooner claim to own it than a cow can claim to own its master's field. You are just another breed of domestic animal, grazing stupidly while higher beings plot your slaughter."
he also uses the fact that windhelm's snow quarter is now called grey quarter as proof over dunmer taking over. ("they call it the Gray Quarter, for such is the reality of the Dunmer occupation")
the author also mentions Belyn Hlaalu as "You'll find no Gray-Manes within these walls. But perhaps you'd like to pay a visit to the home of Belyn Hlaalu, descendant of one of the most noble houses in all of Morrowind." and that led me to think that person kind of runs the show there in the grey quarter.
So what do you think? is the author being delusional? or is there some truth and are the dunmer are trying to take over by immigrating heavily. (then there's the nords unfriendly welcoming that stirs up bad blood)
EDIT: the author is a dunmer btw, and he supports the dunmer cause