We Are The Unit

Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:48 am

[*U*] The Unit

What is The Unit? A high level group of players whose focus is playing the game how it was MEANT to be played. And we're looking for a few good men. Our primary focus is Security, but we also play Resistance as well. As of this post, there are 7 of us, but we can always use more man power. There's always a couple of us online, so finding games to play with each other is never a problem. We're not about trying to be the "best clan EVAR", we're about playing the game, getting better at it, and having fun while doing it. There are NO LONE WOLFS in The Unit. We operate as a team, we win as a team. If you'd like to join our ranks, there's only a few things you need to have:

1. A Mic

2. At least 1 Rank 5 Character

3. Your Security Uniform must have the Digital Camo color in it. Doesn't have to be the whole uni, but some part of it needs Digi Camo

If you're interested, send an invite to myself Oz70NYC or TheMighty3X.
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Charlotte X
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Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:53 am

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