Are there any alchemist characters out there?

Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:55 am

I have started to play as an alchemist type player, I opted for the decision to try and use little magic in the game, keeps me away from Winterhold, I have found alot of good information and it is pretty fun training to be an alchemist, I can't say that I am an alchemist yet; however I am getting there! The potions are really fun to make, I sell them in Ivarstead to Wilhelm in Ivarstead, I believe that may be the only merchant available in Ivarstead to sell items... that doesn't bother me too much because I am not looking to make gobs of money, just wanna stay at alchemist shack near Ivarstead, plus, reading the tablets on the 7,000 steps giving you skies voice available option is a real blessing because most if not all animals will not attack which gives me a peace of mind while walking to Ivarstead or any other place in the game. The only set back is that trolls still do attack.... aren't they considered animals in the game? I am going to try and stay away from the quest that the Sanguine dude is in, he already came over to the Ivarstead Inn at a low level, I was so mad when I saw him there, he is one of those annoying drunks in the bars. At least I have litlle Riekling with me to keep me company, although, the pug sounds kinda drive me bonkers! I think it would be awesome if there were random friends that showed up at the place you were staying, make the game feel more real you know? Oh by the way, the sky voice thing does actually stay in for a couple of hours, although gets taken away if you kill another animal, I am waiting for Serana to come along, so I can ship her off to Sanguine! Serana when she ditts out on you, you can use that do your advantage and make her stay near a crappy dude that will make her life miserable! I think that is funny because in the beginning she won't listen to you or leave you alone.

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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:30 pm

My rogues (thieves, assassins etc) are always alchemists.

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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:05 pm

I love alchemy. I have been considering making a predominantly Alchemy based character. It's gonna be hard though, this is a combat heavy game really.

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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:26 am

You do realise there are so many Dead Alchemists in Skyrim, Bethesda decided to call them all "Dead Alchemist" :D Other Alchemists can be found in most of the Holds as Vendors, or in Dungeons, Forts, and Ruins as Sword Fodder. You do know about Blackreach, and an Alchemist from Oblivion?

There is also a thread in Cheats, Hints, and Spoilers that (kind of) covers Alchemy and Ingredients to mix in the Game.

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Wayne Cole
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:40 pm

It's do able. Put all our perks into Alchemy first. Before you leave town buy out all the ingredients in town and brew everything you know you will use. The key would be carrying things you will use all the time.

A few things I would do on a Alchemist character:

  • Health, Magicka, and Stamina based on what type of combat your going to use
  • Slow and Paralysis poisons
  • Resist Potions
  • Fortify potions for your combat style (One handed and Archery in my case)

I know at later levels the damage poisons are awesome but at the beginning, eh.

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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:41 pm

I did alchemy to the max, because of the enjoyment of discovering the mixtures, but you also have the option of the many cheat lists from the web, but that would spoil my fun. It's the only "grind" that I really enjoy, it's really more a "game-play".

I think any type of character would find alchemy abilities useful, attack, defence, sneak, pickpocket, stronger enchanting, magicka boosts, and in archery, earning more money and in that respect once discovering stronger worthwile potions, I just sold a few in each alchemist trader shop in exchange for all therr ingredients plus all of their cash.

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Mandy Muir
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:29 am

My Cryptstalker is an Alchemist. He uses a lot of poisons to go along with his archery. Eventually he also dabbled in a bit of Illusion and Conjuration.

He's pretty much a Rogue-type class character that was seduced by dark arts and power.

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Rachie Stout
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:48 am

And that ladies and gentlemen, is the most awesome name for a build - Crypstalker. Nice dude.

I have a couple of characters who are completely perked out on alchemy. Its awesome. The only thing it, I am not sold on the Purity perk.

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Ashley Campos
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:59 am

Alchemy is an awesome craft. You get really great potions and collecting ingredients is fun. Once you get to 100 and brew a nice reserve of potions, you can make it Legendary and get your perk points back for some other skill. I've done this a couple time before. Even though doing so feels like cheating, I couldn't resist.

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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:44 am

Thank you. I put a lot of thought into this one actually, into the initial playstyle and a basic goal of wanting a rogue character that was not like my typical rogues I've made in the past. Plus I played a Khajiit, my first beast race.

He's not fully done with Alchemy yet. Only about 80 right now. He took a break for a while to do some advanced pickpocketing and archery and to dabble further into Illusion magik. Plus he constantly hits up the Khajiit caravans to acquire his weekly fix of moonsugar and skooma. Addictions are a terrible thing.

I tell you what though, the playing of this character has been incredibly frustrating. He is a complete coward and won't fight anything head on unless it's very very very weakened. He also acquired the Sanguine Rose and loves the power given by it.

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