Are there any common items that are worth more to some NPCs?

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:14 am

For example, in Fallout 3 there were Pre-War Books, Scrap Metal, Brotherhood Holotags, Nuka-Cola Quantums and Sugar Bombs. (Did I forget some?)

I haven't run across any yet in Fallout 4, although granted I still have a lot to explore, so I want to know if there's anything I should be saving.

If there aren't any of these items in Fallout 4, I'd be disappointed - I liked this aspect of Fallout 3 a lot. It added characterization and it made sense that some items would be worth more to different people, either out of need or out of personal desire.
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Erin S
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:58 pm

I think the settlement of covenant sells items for less than other vendors would, which maybe you could sell elsewhere for profit? not sure, have not tried it. but with graqe mentats and the trading perks I think it might be possible to actually make a profit that way.

Then again, you could just kill gunners and sell their gear, so whats the point.

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daniel royle
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:06 pm

Hmmm, yeah, thanks for the idea, but not really looking for general ways to make profits in trading.

Looking for specific story-related, quest-related items that specific NPCs want, just like the Fallout 3 examples I gave.

The profit is nice, but it's really the collecting and the story that made this great in Fallout 3.
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:07 pm

Overdue books seem like items worth keeping. I haven't personally figured out where to turn them in, but I don't want to spoil it by checking it on the wiki.

I keep anything that ends up in the miscellaneous tab of the pipboy, just in case.

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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:45 am

Once you are in certain factions they sometimes want specific items but you will get told which things they collect and the item won't appear in levelled lists until you have picked up the quest once.

I don't know of generic collectors for things like scrap metal and Nukas though. Oh, Overdue books certainly should be kept when found. They are quite scarce and hard to spot in the debris too.

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kevin ball
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:29 am

Heh yup same here. Thanks!

Ahh thanks!
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:43 am

There are a couple that I know of.

There is someone that wants tools, and other person in the same place that wants fertilizer.

Yes, it is worth keeping hold of the overdue books. One place you can redeem them is quite logical if you think what type of book would be overdue? There are machines that will take the books and give you back tokens which you can then exchange for various items.

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