am very embarrassed to admit that i am thinking of using the pc console option (not mods/do not know how to use them,which ones to get) to make the game easier BLUSH! i know that there is a god mode,but is there also any cheats for raising all my levels so i can be a force to be reckoned with? i will play the game without cheating in the future,but i got slaughtered by some type of zombies that were magical (whilst exploring a dungeon (where there are a load of dead trees/you are walking through a valley,near to balmorea) and want vengance thanking you in advance
thanks BeerBaron.tbh am not going to use the god cheat,as i really want to experience the game as is meant to be played.but when i did the first fighters guild mission in balmorea (the one with killing some rats( when i went to kill the ones in the upstairs room i was killed! (have got some armour/levelled up slightly from the beginning e.t.c) killed by rats! :facepalm:
It's definitely not a forgiving game for beginners. And i think those Balmora rats kill everyone their first time...I remember they got me my first time. Just keep at it. Once you've gained a few levels, your health will be high enough to survive a couple of hits and your primary weapon skill should also be high enough so that you hit consistently.