Per my post, I'm going to try to finally finish Morrowind for the first time and I'm looking for a mod to make the DB something more than just an armor delivery service. They're tough the first few times you fight them, but once you get a few levels and improve your Light Armor skill (to take advantage of the top-tier protection they so generously provided you) they become little more than UPS agents in your burgeoning gear-reselling empire. They also stop attacking in fairly short order. I'd like to find a mod that will change that. I'd like them to remain a constant danger and an ever-increasing threat. In short, I want them to be [censored]s.
I don't even know if these features are possible, but I'd absolutely love to see any mod(s) with the following:
- Better Weapons: They should have swords and bows available to them at the very least. Throw in enchantments to paralyze, blind, fatigue, and others. As you level up, their weaponry gets better, up to and including Daedric gear at the highest levels.
- Escape Options: Items with one-time use of Recall or AlmSiVi intervention for if things go bad. They are assassins, not suicide bombers.
- Spells: Invisibility should be the first thing they bust out. Even better- they should start their attack when they are already invisible. Add in Damage Attribute, Blind, Paralyze, the various Weakness spells coupled with the relevant elemental attack. Shield. Summon spells out the wazoo. Let's throw in Bound Items as well. Ooh, This gets me excited just thinking about it.
- Sleeper Agents: That space-filler NPC that keeps annoying you with his chirped greetings every time you walk past him, but never has any quests for you? Yeah, he's DB. Turn your back on him at the wrong time and you are shish-kebab. Give him the full panoply of Bound Item spells and when you turn around you are facing the Lord of the Nazgul. *shiver*
- Hit Squads: Since you will inevitably become too powerful for any one DB'er you should start facing teams at a certain point.
- Interceptors: You open the door to exit the sewers after your latest foray into the depths of the Foreign Canton, laden with loot and low on everything and guess who's waiting for you? Or maybe your frequent jaunts between Balmora and Fort Buckmoth aren't such a good idea. There are penalties to predictability when you are a hunted man.
- Still Watches: The NPC or location in your latest quest has been staked out. Or maybe the road between Caldera and Ald'ruhn has eyes on it.
- Collaborators: Any of the legitimate quests in-game may be traps set for you. The quest givers might not even be aware they are puppets, but there's a reason you are being asked to go to the middle of nowhere...
- Infiltrators: Your 'Safe' house has become anything but.
- Thieves: The cabinet you've filled with Soul Gems gets mysteriously emptied out.
If any of these are possible but not yet implemented in any mods would anybody be interested in creating one with these in it? It's not that I wouldn't love to make something like that myself, but it kind of spoils the surprise if I'm the one who wrote the scripts. Thanks much.