Hey guys,
I was having a look at Fidel's brilliant-looking http://mw.modhistory.com/download-56-5983 model (it looks better in the CS than it does in the screenshot, trust me...) and I stumbled upon an edited, corrected and optimised form of the mesh by Razorwing, found http://mw.modhistory.com/download-56-5985. I'd really like to have a look at the model(s) and maybe even use them in a mod if I can, but the problem is that they're packaged as .max files, and thus can't be opened or used in the CS, which needs .nif files.
I'm fine with most CS functions, but I am absolutely over my head when it comes to editing meshes and the like. Using Nifskope to allocate textures is about the extent of my knowledge, so I really have no idea. A cursory google screen threw up various different program names, none of which I knew or understood.
So, how can I convert the files to the .nif format? Or, fingers crossed, is there anyone out there who could possibly convert them for me? There are only 8 meshes in the archive, and I would be super grateful!