For a while I've been looking for a game where you run your own nation. Not a top down approach like Civ or EU, but like a RPG type thing. I've played Divinity Dragon Commander and it was really close to what I was looking for. Even Fable 3 fit the bill in a small way. Democracy 3 kinda had what I wanted, but it was too detached (the numbers really didn't mean much). I'm not looking for a strategy game.
I'm looking for a game where you make decisions for your nation or city or whatever, and can see the effects t has. Doesn't need to go indepth.
I guess I'm looking for an RPG where you are the king or a ruler. I'm not a huge fan of anime-style games, so please refrain from suggesting them. I know there are a few like that, but the art style immediately puts me off.