Are there any other events like the giant battle?

Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:08 pm

Outside Whiterun, the giant battle between the companions. It is triggered by just entering that cell.

Are there any other OUTDOOR events that are triggered by just entering that area?

I really didn't like finding the dead giant, and learning that I missed out on that sequence.
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 2:21 pm

There are hundreds of random events that can occur in different locations, some involve the companions, that particular one was just scripted to get you interested in joining the companions, if you were quick enough you could have helped kill the giant. Some random events you can help save someone, you will just have to wander around and be a bit more observant. Or you can just cheat and use the Aura Whisper shout to check out what life is near by. But you could see that giant from a fair way off. You might come across another strange character in that area asking for your help to get his Mother on the move. You are going to miss out on a lot of things, some are really hard to see if they are obscured.

If you have Hearthfire you might notice that not only do you get random things attacking you, but at Lakeview Manor there are random events happening on both nearby roads, some you could help with, some are enemies, some friends, some just strangers wandering by. Every single road has random events. And many off road locations. You will just have to explore and travel around Skyrim to find them.

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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:11 am

Me too. I finally had to make myself a mod giving the giant enough health to last long enough for my character to actually get there before he dies. I don't mind being snarked at by Aela if I deliberately chose not to help, but I really dislike being chewed out when I did everything in my power to get there in time. That makes me feel like the developers are pulling a "Gotcha!" on me.

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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:11 pm

I am not talking about random encounters.

I am talking about scripted, world events like the giant battle.
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:33 am

How is one scripted event with some companions fighting a giant, different to a random event of two other companions fighting something else? It is hardly a world shaking event.

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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:00 pm

Why do you feel the need to try to change my mind? Seriously, what is up with that?

You have your opinions, I have mine.

Just answer my question, or don't please. Although I prefer you do. You've been helpful.

I enjoy hitting the giant with an arrow before he goes down, so that I can have the unique dialogue, telling me "you know how to handle yourself."

random encounters occur multiple times. Things like the giant battle occurs once.

Before I trek across the world, I want to know if there are any more one-time only scripted events that are missable.
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Bee Baby
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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:12 am

I got yelled at even though I killed the thing myself.

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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:32 pm

The giant always dies before I get there!

I tell a lie, the one time I did get there I happened to hit Farkas as well as the giant and the Companions killed me! :blink:

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Tyler F
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 2:43 pm

It's interesting you should say this. Battles with that Giant can last up to twenty minutes in my games now. And I've found it's really, really hard to keep from hitting one of the other Companions and turning them hostile on me. I find myself saving a lot, not because I might die, but because I might hit one of those darn Companions. This was a problem I didn't have to deal with when they killed the Giant before I could get there. :)

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