Wow. The OP asks a question, then doesn't like the answers to the question so decides to start arguing endlessly about said question. Well, OP, if you already know the answer, then why ask us forumites who don't know anything?
I am 99% sure there isn't going to be a re release of skyrim for the next gen (unless we're talking like 8 years down the road or so when those consoles days are numbered).
Making a re master for the next gen will take lots of time and man power, the game isn't just a PC game. It's an Xbox port, meaning they made the game for the Xbox, then ported it over to other media. That's why it took them so many months to get DLC for the Ps3, because they were having LOTS of problems from the differences between the xbox and the ps3.
Not to mention, Bethesda has their hands full with the next fallout game, the next elder scrolls game and such that they aren't going to have time to have someone work on remastering skyrim for the next gen consoles.
The only games that are being re released now a days are older games that the game developers are short on work and money and had to re release their old hits for more cash. (ie, god of war, shadow of the colossus).
Bethesda isn't one of those companies. They have more then enough work ahead of them that they don't need to go back and start remastering old content. Maybe if they had no ideas for games, which is something they have in abundance. (I mean we still haven't even seen all the provinces in tamriel, let alone the rest of nirn)