Lengendary edition on next gen consoles? I'm sure console gamers would love to be able to play Skyrim at close to max settings.
It would be awesome for both Fallouts too.
Lengendary edition on next gen consoles? I'm sure console gamers would love to be able to play Skyrim at close to max settings.
It would be awesome for both Fallouts too.
won't happen.
its not as easy as "Lets just put it on a disc
Porting to a new console, especially when its a new-gen, is much more complicated then that
Huh? Last time I checked, Bethesda is a Pc dev and the Xbox One and PS4 mimic the PC architecture. It should be the easiest port for PC devs. It's not like they'd have to port the console version or anything.
You guys seem mighty sure for people that don't work at the studio. Just saying...
How would it be a waste? Both systems aren't backwards compatible, they'll play much better on better hardware, and people would love having a game like this to play on next gen systems. It's a no brainer. And maybe you should take a look at the spec sheet for the PS4 and Xbox One. The differences are minimal.
Well the mod said:
I'll put their words over yours.
1) if people want to play it, they can either use their PC or plug in their Current Gen Console
2) it does not matter if the specs are the same, because they still run off a separate OS (my Mac may have Similar Spec to my PC, But I still can't install alot of Windows Programs because the OS is completely different)
There's more reasons to release it next gen than not to. When the port is annouced, I'll await you not owning up to being wrong.
there are less reasons.
Most people who are wanting to play Skyrim either have it, or are going to get it once the Legendary Edition is out.
since most gamers won't purchase the EXACT same game just because its on a newer console (they already own the game, they will play it on what console they have (or upgrade to PC if they wants mods)), the man-power and resources required to port it over would result in a financial loss.
1)They can play it on current gen consoles, but not at Max settings. The game could hardly run on consoles because it was so ahead of it's time. (also I wouldn't be shocked if GTAV had a next gen release also since it's so close to the launch of next gen). Plus a big time PC gamer probably wouldn't buy either console anyway.
And 2) the OS has little to do with the game running on consoles lol.
Some of you are showing you have no clue what you're talking about I'm sorry to say.
Apparently you guys don't get that the game is already made on PC and the next gen consoles are essentually PCs by build. If they ported to the horrid PS3, they can port to next gen consoles no sweat.
1) Most people won't be willing to shell out $60 just to up graphics a bit.
2) Yes, yes it does, as an IT Consultant for the Government of New Brunswick, I can tell you that the OS makes a big difference in what Programs run.
they would need to edit certain files to get it to run on a Different console OS (this is why an Xbox Game won't work if you throw it into a Play Station, or a Play Station game won't work if you throw it into a Wii), all of which takes resources and man power, which would result in Financial loss for reasons I have already stated.
Just the fact that the new Xbox won't be compatible with the 360 should be a hint that it wouldn't be a "walk in the park" update.
All you've said here is "it won't happen" like you work for the company or something. You don't, so quit pretending you do.
Whenever you have to toss out you title like that, it means the discussion isn't going very well...
Anyway, of course they have different OS's, but it would only require minor tweaks to the way the game boots rather than a full overhaul, and like I said, they ported Skyrim to the godawful code of the PS3, any recoding would be minimal compared to that.
They could probably just do a poll or something to see if people would want it or something. It's not as big of an undertaking as you're making it seem.
are you familiar with programming? I am, and I can tell you editing those files requires resources and man-power (its not something a couple guys can just do on their lunch break), and it would still result in a financial loss, while giving that resource and man-power to whatever project they are currently working on, would result in financial gain.
you really don't seem to realize what you are talking about, and that it is not as easy as you seem to think.