I don't believe so, but you can submit info for the rule-base whenever you like.
I believe john said he was working on a new update soon.
What do you mean you "might" have load errors? Do you get errors at start-up, or not?
Nice that an update is on the way.
No, I don't have errors but at the recent BTB's update there was an esp added, Better Clothes Complete (BTB Edit) that affects Better Clothes, and http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36406. The problem in the load order is that the more better clothes esp loads after the better clothes complete patch, and I am not sure if its healthy.
Also together with ROHT 1.5 came a plugin for Ulvrith's Legacy 2.0, with a different name than the other one, that I am not sure that it loads in the correct order.
Also Mlox warns me that I have an older ROHT version <1.4 and I should upgrade, and that is not the case.