» Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:17 pm
You should be able to get them in Canada too, although it's not yet been confirmed everywhere :
- Doom pack (Gamestop) : Pack has been confirmed at both GameStop Canada and EBGames
- http://www.gamestop.ca/browse?nav=16k-Brink - PC is 50$, Console 65$
- http://www.ebgames.com/browse?nav=16k-brink - PC is 50$, Console 60$
* Often prepackaged in the box, which means if you pick it up in store might not even have to preorder to get the code...
- Fallout pack (BestBuy) : Confirmed at BestBuy.ca but NOT at FutureShop.ca
- http://www.bestbuy.ca/Search/SearchResults.aspx?path=ca77b9b4beca91fe414314b86bb581f8en20&q=brink&sp=BBY_fr-CA_Site-WideSP&Facet=cBBYMCCPCatalogfrCADepartments%2523%2523-1%2523%2523-1%257e%257eq6272696e6b%257e%257encBBYMCCPCatalogfrCA26516%2523%25230%2523%25233&viewall=true - PC is 50$, Console 60$ : You also get 10$ off a future game purchase
- http://www.futureshop.ca/Search/SearchResults.aspx?path=ca77b9b4beca91fe414314b86bb581f8en20&pcname=MCCPCatalog&q=brink&sp=FS_en-CA_GameSP&Category=Gaming - PC is 50$, Console 60$
- Psycho pack (Amazon) : Still not confirmed yet at Amazon.ca, might be best to order from Amazon.com
- http://www.amazon.ca/gp/search/ref=sr_nr_i_0?rh=k:brink,i:videogames&keywords=brink&ie=UTF8&qid=1299606020 - PC is 50$, Console 60$
- http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_5?url=search-alias%3Dvideogames&field-keywords=brink&sprefix=brink - PC is 48$US, Console 57$ : You also get 10$ off a future game purchase (with the CAD worth more than the U$D, this is quite cheaper, although you might end up paying customs and waiting longer for the game to arrive)
* As can be seen in http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1156300-questions-about-preordering-on-amazon-please-help/page__view__findpost__p__16962223__hl__amazon__fromsearch__1 thread, I've already contacted them and will keep the board updated once/if things ever change for the better
- Tech Ops pack (Walmart) : Preorder package has been confirmed
- http://www.walmart.ca/search?q=brink&DepartmentID=3205 - Walmart offers it at a huge (ahem) 16 cents discount, apparently. 59.83$ (Concole) and 49.83$ (PC)
+ Forgot to mention that D2Drive and Steam would offer their bonuses, obviously, anywhere, since they offer the games for download so are not bound by any territorial limits (well, I don't think so?)
++ Last update : Mar 14 @ 6:45am