Are they adding 1st person full visible body + VR support?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:03 pm

i really dont understand the whole 1st-person body issue a lot of ppl have, i mean normally on RL i dont look my feet or my legs if isnt something important while i walk or run. So for me isnt a big deal if i can see it or no.

getting super immersive on a game so much that can emulate real life to the last detail isnt something i want on a game, that is probably why i think VR isnt for me.

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Nikki Morse
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:37 pm

GREAT THANKS A LOT, he said while staring down his nose

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Markie Mark
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:44 pm

The most important thing about making first-person bodies work is having neckbones (multiple axises) instead of one axis that is basically a floating set of eyeballs. This will prevent clipping, as well as make the experience very life-like, but will introduce intertia which will hinder the movement of the player making them feel less likey to twitch-shoot something. See Hitman 2 on PC as an example.

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Brad Johnson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:24 am

Anyone remember the Id/Oculus Doom3 BFG thing?

It does seem to be something that Zenimax has been interested in, in some capacity. But when their terms weren't met, they pulled the plug, and John Carmack left Id, partially because of it, if I remember it correctly.

There are a few other players on the VR scene now. I wonder if anyone at BGS=>Zeni has looked down those avenues, seeing if the future was at the end of any of them.

Any rate, I would say unless someone is really good at modding, it isn't likely for F4.
And if they are good enough to have it work on VR, adding a FPP body shouldn't be difficult.
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Sammie LM
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:00 pm

The one mod I will always look for is a more immersive first person. Being some floating orb with arms is just damn weird and makes it feel like you arent in the game world at all. They should just have an option to turn it off and on

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An Lor
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:03 pm

My first post here. Anyway I'm a gamer and love the Fallout games as well as Elder scrolls series.

I know that Zenimax had some legal issue with Oculus rift in the past. I think Bethesda have already tested the technology as most developers had the opportunity with dev kits and such. I would love to have the option of using an HMD for Fallout 4. Maybe HTC's Vive or the Rift. The immersion would be amazing but I realize the controls would have to be adapted to work.

I read some very ignorant comments on this post like "VR makes you sick" or "VR is a gimmick like Kinect and 3D". Wich I find laughable because why do we play games? we want to have fun, be exited and sometimes escape reality into a fanasy world. VR is the perfect tool for getting "into" the game.

The technology is still young and not yet released to consumers. However there's been alot of demos for the public and media. This is not a poor attempt at immersion like 3D TV's, screens, googles and so on. VR is way way better. You can't even compare it. The issue with some people feeling sick is just an issue that can be solved with improvements.

Kinect or PS move motion controllers are not a bad idea but unfortunately the devices can be inacurrate to control certain games with. Also there's been too many poor games that where released as silly gimmicks to buy the devices.

If someone makes a great VR game that puts you in first person in a 3D world and then let's you move your players body + actions with motion controls, I think that could be really cool. The motion controls must be way more accurate however.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:05 pm

I can't stand first person games where you can't see your own body. It's so jarring. I ALWAYS mod it into every Bethesda game I own. It just irks me otherwise.

I can guarentee you this wont be present in Fallout 4, but I can also guarentee a mod will be released to fix this. Be patient though, these mods are harder to do than it looks. It took a few years for a good one to pop up for Skyrim.

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