Yea these open world games are still missing a key thing about 1st person immersion, which is full visible body from the chest down, the player is still concept wise disconnected from the world without being able to see their full body in first person like they would realistically naturally see.
Some in the industry would argue it would cause dizzyness and other lame excuses, but Project Eden on PC (at least the demo) has 1st person full visible body awareness, something no other developer has achieved. and that game has both 1st person and 3rd person options (as well as realistic mirrors with reflections). yea it had some camera issues, but it still was steps forward in something other
developers just don't care to do to bring 1st person immersion up to standards.
Is Fallout 4 going to have or add these things? It could encourage the industry to not cut corners with genuine 1st person experience,
and would make things like VR matter more. And even without VR, it's a very important feature to make 1st person feel natural instead of tacked on.