IT's so linear, and none of them really move, most are stationed, whats the point? Why bother? Made sense in Crysis, it had big area's, the AI used them to patrol and such. Here, it seems more like just a box tick for the sake of a box tick. No point.
Probably added just so they can say "Amazing vehicle combat" somewhere. Yea, it was somewhere in advert materials. I recall even watching a movie where they told something about it but can't recall whatever it was official or not.
and they all looked nice and waxed, all shiny, glazed like a doughnut, without a dent!
What a joke. Well when the sdk and sandbox 3 comes out we can make custom skins for them. Frankly on Road rage the ones inside the dirt fog area should be nothing but covered in dirt. Give it time.
many things in Crysis 2 utterly pointless.. the first thing is Crysis 2 itself.. sorry for fat trolling i just greatly dissapoint with the game as Crysis 1 hot fan =(