Are you addicted?

Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:46 pm

Just wondering if anyone else has a chemical they're addicted to. Not even in the literal sense where your character has addiction officially, but rather you can't get enough of that specific chem.

Personally, I'm 100% addicted to Turbo. Just found out the OWB offers a perk that gives you free shots of Turbo per day and I literally almost jumped for joy.
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:52 pm

I've almost completed my first game and haven't used any chems yet (sarsaparilla's not a chem is it?) so I'll be interested to see what I've been missing out on.
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:44 am

Me? No. Well, maybe to coffee.

My assassin character is smoker (thanks to mods), though a carton does last her for a good while. Sometimes also Jet, Psycho, and Rebound but rarely enough to not develop an addiction to them.

My scientist character has taken a liking to Mentats, usually not to addiction level, but mishaps happen occasionally. Also she developed an alcohol addiction due to Sierra Madre martinis, but that's been cleared up since.

My tank character however uses nothing, only alcohol quite rarely. Therefore no addictions are even possible.

Sidenote, Fixer is too common for such a powerful item.

Edit: Sarsaparilla (and the Nuka Cola variants) are counted as foods.
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Kit Marsden
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