Besides that, some of the things that are mentioned on the list are not necessarily true and are only concerns forum members pointed out over the time spent around this forum. to the previous thread.
I decided to check how many things that bother us there are before the game even got out yet xD
So, here it is, hopefully it won't create any flaming wars or something like this... This thread is for all to notice the fact that we have this many problems with the game and it hasn't gotten out yet xD which is hilariously funny, at least for me.
- People are worried about the possibility of no spellmaking.
- People are worried about the removal of attributes (everything they did is still in the game, only in a different form of perks/skills/etc).
- People are worried about the removal of Athletics and Acrobatics, as well as Mysticism. Mysticism's spells gone to other magic schools and still exist.
- People are worried about the concept of dragons.
- People are worried about that there might be a simple and fan oriented storyline that includes no depth - Also, was the concern of some.
- People are worried about having too many dragons(?).
- People are worried about fast travel - adding Morrowind like options or the "Don't like it don't use it argument".
- People are worried about having quest markers and quest compass.
- People are worried about the removal of Birthsigns (it's most likely they are now the perk trees you see when looking towards the sky)
- People are worried about possibly not seeing your legs or upper torso.
- People are worried about not having enough choices and consequences in quests and thus, limiting your "Freedom" as a character.
- People are worried about that the combat system might be - slash, slash, slash, block, finishing move, similar to Oblivion's combat system only with a finishing move.
- People are worried about that the PC version was downgraded due to consoles capabilities.
- People are worried about the removal of classes, now specializing according to what you do and not according to what you choose at the beginning of the game.
- People are worried about low resolution textures (spotted in the trailer).
- People are worried about the possibly not being able to climb mountains.
- People are worried about not being able to block if you are equipped with a spell and a weapon.
- People are worried about the lack of spears.
- People are worried about no-good looking waters in Skyrim due to the water we've seen in the trailer (I personally think they look good).
- People are worried about how powerful magnetism will be.
- People are worried about that dragons might be the "New Oblivion gates" or possibly the new Cliffracers.
- People are worried about that Skyrim will have less role playing options.
- People are worried about not having separate armor slots. Having a system similar to Fallout 3.
- People are worried about dragons being too easy and lame or too hard and exhausting.
- There exists suspicions of the trailer's dragon fight being scripted.
- There are fears of Todd giving misleading information about RAI and the rest of the game, which will not be included in the game after its release (similar to what happened with RAI in Oblivion).
- People are worried about not having mounts.
- People are worried about being limited due to children being invincible (which will not be discussed in this thread... WARNING)
- People are worried about level scaling, and what it will be like now (and if it'll really be like Fallout's 3 system).
- People are worried about not having open cities.
- People are worried about Skyrim being about the same size as Oblivion.
- People are worried about no levitation.
- People are worried about the new user interface.
- People are worried about the placement of items in-game (such as loots in dungeons, how random they are, etc).
- The most important concern out here: People are worried that there's a small chance M'aiq the liar will not be in Skyrim!
So, yeah, just wanted all of you to be aware of this xD I'm actually giggling right now a little... Anyway, if you can think of more problems mentioned that I didn't put on the list, you might as well post them and I'll add them to this "Official problems with Skyrim list" of mine.
EDIT: I've added a poll so that we could see just how many people are concerned about Skyrim and what are the main concerns around this forum. If you don't feel anything on the list bothers you, vote "None of the above" in the first question and "None at all" in the second one.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't have a problem with even one of the above

For those of you who didn't understand, I am laughing at the amount of problems we (as the community) have with the game, not about the problems with it or that we even have problems with it.