Direct X 10 - Bethesda is unlikely to use tessellation in such an open world since they want a large purchase base.
Alienware Case - Alienwares are horribly overpriced pieces of overheating crap but they make some cool case designs.
I saw a DX 11 with tesselation... damn, it was pretty. I kid you not, the first thought through my mind was, "This would make Oblivion look amazing." yeah, so i hope they have support for it, kinda the way HDR Lighting was supported but not always default in Oblivion.
My current system is nearing its third birthday, and it was anly midrange to begin with. Don't get my worng, the 8800 GT was a great little card, but it can't handle the likes of Crysis with all the bells and whistles enabled.
I just started my job at Intel, so the hefty paychecks plus employee perks on Intel products (think: free processors) should allow me to make a high end system with a minimum of pain. besides, I have almost 11 months to save up for it.

What's out there for video cards these days? I've not really been following the market recently. What's the latest and greatest? What's next around the bend?