» Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:40 pm
As a rule, I only look up walkthroughs for games if I actually need them, which if the game is anything like Oblivion, I won't need. In general, I prefer to play my games with as little knowledge as to what will happen next as possible, unfortunately, I'm sure I'll get some spoilers since I probably won't be able to stay away from these forums. The ending of Oblivion was spoiled for me, as was that of Fallout 3, fortunately I finished Morrowind's main quest before I discovered these forums so I went into it not knowing exactly what the ending would be like, not that the ending was incredibly surprising. Hopefully for Skyrim, I can avoid too many spoilers, in either case, I don't plan on checking walkthroughs unless I'm really stuck and just don't know how to proceed, which is something I rarely got even in Morrowind.