So do people want me to put my old definitions back or can someone else come up with a better one
I think the main problem with this poll is that you need a gradient of choices:
Extreme hardcoe: I am my character, and I live in Tamriel.
Hardest hardcoe: No fast travel ever; often walks instead of running; changes into "street" clothes when entering cities; knows a good amount of the lore by heart; etc.
hardcoe: Hardly ever uses fast travel; sometimes walks instead of running; lore is familiar but not well known; has played through Oblivion multiple times; continues to download interesting mods; etc.
Normal: Uses fast travel to get to far places; hardly ever walks instead of running; lore is vaguely familiar; played through Oblivion once; maybe downloaded a mod or two; etc.
Casual: Hack and smash; "What's fatigue do?"; "What's lore?"; Restarts game instead of going to jail; etc.
Softest Casual: Kills most people before talking to them; Would rather play "Halo"; etc.
Extreme Casual: "I beat Oblivion in a couple of days"; "I hope Skyrim is going to be just like Fallout New Vegas".
Basically, the "Normal" player will respect Skyrim as an RPG that offers variety and doesn't require hardcoe RPG-type gaming all of the time. I suspect most people should fit into this category or the poll is flawed.
Furthermore, I believe we are all somewhat of a mix. But the point is to provide enough choices that one stands out far more than the others; for example, I've restarted a few times instead of going to jail simply because I find that aspect of the game boring, but in most other cases I'd certainly be a "hardcoe" player, so I'd definitely choose "hardcoe" instead of "Casual".