I hate the labels "hardcoe" and "casual" and don't have a clue as to what they actually mean.
At least, it's pretty clear that they're not really the right words to use in this context. For instance, I'd consider myself a pretty casual gamer in at least one pretty good sense - I play very few games, I don't play games all that often, but when I do it's just for fun.
Nevertheless, when I play TES games, I do like to take my characters pretty seriously, and try to make sure that I play them in a way which is credible and plausible, given the setting. But that's just because that's what gives me the most enjoyment from playing TES games. I wouldn't presume to tell people who like to "powergame" a little more, or are a little less interested in reading about the lore and such, that they're not playing the game in the right way, or anything like that. Just go for whatever gets you the most fun out the game.