Indeed. Ultimately people are picky, and they will want to experience different aspects of a hardcoe mode. Having a variety of options players could turn on or off to tailor a particular experience would probably be best.
Options are the solution to everything these days, and why not, as they give both sides of the argument a chance to play the game how they want. I
always say this in topics like these, but I'll say it again: I just think if Bethesda took all our 'Optional' suggestions, then we'd have this ridiculously long list, with arguments to options such as No Fast Travel, No Blood/Gore, No Spiders, hardcoe Mode and now PermaDeath cluttering it (these are some of the most discussed ones that have been brought forward, and believe me there's more). This is why I'm always skeptical to just settle for it as an option.
I like the idea of having consequences (loss of skills, items, etc.) to death, but certainly not permanent death. It'd be great to have that feel of intensity and having to actually think carefully and plan attacks or break-ins cautiously, without what would no doubt be the devastating loss of a save file. There are also too many flaws in the game that could cause you to die unfairly as other have said (such as bugs, stealing a fork accidentally, etc.).