Are you a Hero or a Criminal?

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:46 pm

When I play Morrowind or Olivion I feel being part of my character. I want him/her to be a Hero, brave, loyal, saving life, not stealing, not killing innocent people. All my games finish with a zero bounty, no unfame and lots of fame. Only 4 items stolen but on quest request. It's hard to keep all people alive in Bruma. I enter the oblivion gate with Burke and 2 guards and exit with all of them. I feel so proud for my hero because it's really hard and a great challenge. The same for all the others, like Farwil Indarys and his friend, Mazoga, Baurus, Jauffre, the two brothers in Chorrol. Because of this strong feeling of "Hero saving the world", I never entered in the thief guild, nor in an assassination guild like Morag Tong or Dark Brotherhood. NO!!! There are so many other quests and challenge for my true HERO...

So what about you? What kind of character do you play? Hero or Criminal... Good or Bad:-)))
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:08 am

My answer has to refer to Spawn; is he a hero or a bad guy? Depends on who you ask. Lothran doesn′t steal or kill for the heck of it, but he sometimes does it when he feels it′s necessary. At the same time he doesn′t feel an obligation to save everything and everyone unless it′s something he really wants to preserve or someone he really likes

The lack of patience may get him into trouble from time to time but thanks to his connections it′s never a problem. He moves silently mostly but can hit like a tanker truck when pushed too far
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:26 pm

Pending the content of posts, this might be better suited in the other forum. I could see it easily getting into spoilers. A good topic none the less. I'm sure there are more like this.

Without going into details as much as I'd like. Let's say it's bad..very very bad...I mean, a cursed enchantment placed on a charmed NPC, and stare at their smiling face as they slowly perish before your eyes, kind of bad. I mean...Command a human to follow you to a cliff, and look them in the eye as you push them over, kind of bad.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:18 am

Buffy is no hero. She is simply a wood elf with a short attention span trying to live her live in a beautiful but dangerous land. She is too fragile to declare herself to foes or confront them toe-to-toe, so when she fights, it is via cowardly preemptive strike from the shadows. Neither is she evil; in fact she can be quite nurturing. Her actions are not driven by concern for any empire, city or organization, but rather by affection for those she holds dear. Yet, vengeance is not foreign to her, nor does she eschew it.

She lives by a doctrine that has been forged in blood. It helps her make hard choices. The Buffy Doctrine: 'If you are kind to me, I will love you dearly; if you are a threat to me or my friends, I will likely kill you.'
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Liv Brown
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:50 pm

When I play Morrowind or Olivion I feel being part of my character. I want him/her to be a Hero, brave, loyal, saving life, not stealing, not killing innocent people. All my games finish with a zero bounty, no unfame and lots of fame. Only 4 items stolen but on quest request. It's hard to keep all people alive in Bruma. I enter the oblivion gate with Burke and 2 guards and exit with all of them. I feel so proud for my hero because it's really hard and a great challenge. The same for all the others, like Farwil Indarys and his friend, Mazoga, Baurus, Jauffre, the two brothers in Chorrol. Because of this strong feeling of "Hero saving the world", I never entered in the thief guild, nor in an assassination guild like Morag Tong or Dark Brotherhood. NO!!! There are so many other quests and challenge for my true HERO...

So what about you? What kind of character do you play? Hero or Criminal... Good or Bad:-)))

Glad I'm not the only one.

I always RP as a hero, weather I'm playing as a Nord, Orc or Bosmer. So yeah, Hero all the way :foodndrink:
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:04 am

Pending the content of posts, this might be better suited in the other forum. I could see it easily getting into spoilers. A good topic none the less. I'm sure there are more like this.

Without going into details as much as I'd like. Let's say it's bad..very very bad...I mean, a cursed enchantment placed on a charmed NPC, and stare at their smiling face as they slowly perish before your eyes, kind of bad. I mean...Command a human to follow you to a cliff, and look them in the eye as you push them over, kind of bad.

Hahaha. Appreciate it's sincerity.
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:40 pm

My answer has to refer to Spawn; is he a hero or a bad guy? Depends on who you ask. Lothran doesn′t steal or kill for the heck of it, but he sometimes does it when he feels it′s necessary. At the same time he doesn′t feel an obligation to save everything and everyone unless it′s something he really wants to preserve or someone he really likes

The lack of patience may get him into trouble from time to time but thanks to his connections it′s never a problem. He moves silently mostly but can hit like a tanker truck when pushed too far

I'm sure my char. would get along very well with Lothran. Good one.
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:28 am

Buffy is no hero. She is simply a wood elf with a short attention span trying to live her live in a beautiful but dangerous land. She is too fragile to declare herself to foes or confront them toe-to-toe, so when she fights, it is via cowardly preemptive strike from the shadows. Neither is she evil; in fact she can be quite nurturing. Her actions are not driven by concern for any empire, city or organization, but rather by affection for those she holds dear. Yet, vengeance is not foreign to her, nor does she eschew it.

She lives by a doctrine that has been forged in blood. It helps her make hard choices. The Buffy Doctrine: 'If you are kind to me, I will love you dearly; if you are a threat to me or my friends, I will likely kill you.'

Beautiful!!! And I like very much Buffy Doctrine;-)
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:15 pm

Well I never look at good and evil in anything really. I look at shades of grey where the lighter end of the spectrum will be more "good" but still be evil in some terms. But on the darker end, it would be more "evil" but still good to others. In that sense, Riden is on the darker side of grey.

He's Nocturnal's assassin and a hater of the Nine Divines. Not hating enough to be a Mythic Dawn or kill priests but he still doesn't like them. And he's a bigot towards most Orcs(Mazoga is an exception). Oh and when he sees somebody he REALLY hates, Riden gets them to follow him using the Sharing and Caring companion mod. Gets them to Dive rock, makes them go on the edge...and tells them to leave. They think jumping off of Dive Rock is a proper way to get back to their city...
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Rodney C
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:22 am

My present primary character is a wood elf known only as "Wild Elf." She's neither good nor evil; she's just a creature of the forest, like a wolf or a bear. Except that she's a lot more dangerous than a wolf or a bear. :)

Last night, she stalked a legion rider for several miles, unseen. She crossed and re-crossed the road several times, hid under a couple of bridges as he passed by, and was crouched right above him on ledges twice, from which she could have sprung and killed him easily. It was all in fun, like a cat with a mouse. She let him live.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:48 am

My Silver Knight, Maia, is a hero(ine). She never murders, never intentionally steals, always has a coin for the poor, and in general cares about protecting those that need protecting. Maia would willingly give up her own life in a just cause. In D&D terms, Maia is Lawful Good.

My Ninja, Olaf, cares about one person and one person only: himself. After being wrongfully imprisoned by the Imperials he hates them with every fiber of his being. He has no interest in helping the Imperials, or their citizens. To him the people of Tamriel are all potential targets or sources of income, one way or another. The occasional person has proven to be the exception to this outlook, but in his eyes most others he meets are sheep. In D&D terms, Olaf is Chaotic Neutral (with evil tendencies).

My Wizard, Raven, is not necessarily good, but neither is she evil. She is absorbed in the pursuit of knowledge and is an ardent lover of the out-of-doors. Sort of a rare bookworm/outdoors person. Her wanderlust and self-absorption mean she will never rise to the top of any guilds, not even the mages guild. In D&D terms, she is Neutral (with good tendencies).
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:55 pm

Neither. Just living my life..... I've never stolen anything, nor have gone to prison. But I don't go out of my way to do heroic quests.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:30 pm

My character is generally good, but not above filching something small or breaking and entering. She generally does most of her quests unseen to the public (out in the wilderness) but if her actions were known I'd say she'd be considered a hero.
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:50 am

My characters are typically both hero and criminal, with a few exceptions. They steal when they want to or when they deem it necessary, and they kill when they want to or when they deem it necessary. Most of my characters observe the law but not always choose to follow it. Just because my characters do not always follow the law does not make them evil. I know this is the Oblivion section, but to use Morrowind as an example, the Nerevarine is hated by the Temple law and pursued as a criminal, that did not make the Nerevarine any less of a hero. Same goes for most of my characters. Laws are fickle things and the classification of "criminal" should mean little to morality.

That said, I think I've only made one character that I would classify as evil.
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:21 am

I'd agree that it's just a matter of perception, in many instances. "Criminal" is a label applied by society, not some sort of absolute state. Who is the criminal: the people in power who abuse others or the people who abuse those who are in power in order to help those who are not?

My characters are nature spirits. As such, they have their own society, so to speak, and are not part of "civilized" society. They do not conform or pay attention to such labels. They follow natural flow. They also don't care for being imprisoned as a curiosity, something "other" than expected norms. :(

Despite all of that, they wish to maintain balance between various factors, including life and death. Human and humanoid races are merely elements within a much greater whole, as are daedric races and other mythic beings. If factors become unbalanced, everyone and everything will face serious problems, perhaps extinction.
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:24 am

Neutral :mohawk:
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:22 pm

I struggle with playing Evil characters, I can never play them properly. As such, my characters all usually end up Noble and Heroic, or Neutral.
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Ria dell
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:23 am

Most of my characters do what they need to survive and I would consider them neutral. However, I do have some that are the extremes.
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:06 pm

Ewe is. She will do as she wants, without deeper consideration about right or wrong. Her infamy triples her fame, but hey, you can't please everyone.
That being said, she becomes more and more bitter as time passes. This in turn has led to her slowly becoming more and more sadistic. Where before she would follow the strictly quicker road, now she is sometimes willing to detour if it means 'amusemant'.
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:55 am

ive always been a hero, protect and serve, destroying evil. i like it really a lot.

(but, swamping charater and becoming a darkbrother member........ why not :))
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:39 pm

Mostly heroic, though I do have one character that some might say is evil.
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:25 am

When I play Morrowind or Olivion I feel being part of my character. I want him/her to be a Hero, brave, loyal, saving life, not stealing, not killing innocent people. All my games finish with a zero bounty, no unfame and lots of fame. Only 4 items stolen but on quest request. It's hard to keep all people alive in Bruma. I enter the oblivion gate with Burke and 2 guards and exit with all of them. I feel so proud for my hero because it's really hard and a great challenge. The same for all the others, like Farwil Indarys and his friend, Mazoga, Baurus, Jauffre, the two brothers in Chorrol. Because of this strong feeling of "Hero saving the world", I never entered in the thief guild, nor in an assassination guild like Morag Tong or Dark Brotherhood. NO!!! There are so many other quests and challenge for my true HERO...

So what about you? What kind of character do you play? Hero or Criminal... Good or Bad:-)))

As has been stated elsewhere, my decrepit avatar shares many of these characteristics. He considers himself an upholder of the Empire and acts accordingly. He tries and stick to the straight-and-narrow...never a bounty and only two infamy points in his entire post-incarceration career, one an accident, the other due to taking off his helm while on a road-patrol assignment. In both cases he immediately sought absolution. When faced with a humanoid foe, he makes his presence known in hopes they surrender or flee rather than fight, and commonly lets them land the first blow if circumstances allow (which is certainly not always the case). He will not intentionally harm innocents, neither physically nor financially. During the Crisis he made a point of closing every Gate encountered near roadway or inhabited area. When all was said and done he had closed fifty-two of 'em before escorting Martin to the Palace.

He holds all sorts of honorifics: Champion of Cyrodiil, Divine Crusader, Hero of Kvatch, Savior of Bruma, leadership of several guilds and so on. He never even contemplated joining either the assassin or thief guild, and would willing work to bring those organizations to justice had the game-engine been sophisticated enough to allow it.

He constantly patrols Cyrodiil's major highways to keep them clear of wandering beasts and criminal scum, and acts as tax gatherer for the Council.

Yet despite it all, he does not see himself as a 'hero' or even a particularly good person. He'd describe himself as a rather flawed individual with a somewhat checkered pre-Crisis past who, thanks to the (un)kindness of fate, intervention of the Nine, or sheer dumb luck, found himself in a position to better himself while at the same time performing services that benefit the realm and its citizens.

Truth to tell, he's somewhat uncomfortable with the honors bestowed upon him. You wouldn't guess it to see him, astride his fancy horse all decked out in Imperial Dragon armor and before that Holy Relics, the might of the Empire behind him. He must, of course, wear sanctioned armor during his road patrols or suffer the consequences. But he takes it further than that. He's almost always seen in it, or at least pieces of it. It's not as if, at this stage of his career, he doesn't have access to a wardrobe of more comfortable attire. Yet he chooses to remain encased in metal in almost all circumstances. When confronted with this character quirk he once told me: "Look mate. I've a bit of a past to play down. These armors help with that. People see what they want to see, the position rather than the man behind it. It is admittedly portentous if not pretentious to be constantly greeted with 'Hail Champion!', 'You're the Divine Crusader!' and 'Say, you look just like your statue!', but far better those than 'Umm...aren't you the fellow who didn't serve out his full prison sentence?'. That sort of talk, and what might follow it, is to be avoided."

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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:24 am

So what about you? What kind of character do you play? Hero or Criminal... Good or Bad:-)))

I've done both. I have one character (Dyan phor a'Cauz) who's a pure hero, and a couple others who are pure criminals. And I've had several characters who are a bit of both. It's funny because back in my D&D days, I could only play hero-types (Lawful Good or Neutral Good or Chaotic Good). Maybe since the temptation to do evil exists so visually in Oblivion, I've enjoyed playing criminals in this game jsut as much as I enjoy being Dyan.
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:31 am

As has been stated elsewhere, my decrepit avatar shares many of these characteristics. He considers himself an upholder of the Empire and acts accordingly. He tries and stick to the straight-and-narrow...never a bounty and only two infamy points in his entire post-incarceration career, one an accident, the other due to taking off his helm while on a road-patrol assignment. In both cases he immediately sought absolution. When faced with a humanoid foe, he makes his presence known in hopes they surrender or flee rather than fight, and commonly lets them land the first blow if circumstances allow (which is certainly not always the case). He will not intentionally harm innocents, neither physically nor financially. During the Crisis he made a point of closing every Gate encountered near roadway or inhabited area. When all was said and done he had closed fifty-two of 'em before escorting Martin to the Palace.

He holds all sorts of honorifics: Champion of Cyrodiil, Divine Crusader, Hero of Kvatch, Savior of Bruma, leadership of several guilds and so on. He never even contemplated joining either the assassin or thief guild, and would willing work to bring those organizations to justice had the game-engine been sophisticated enough to allow it.

He constantly patrols Cyrodiil's major highways to keep them clear of wandering beasts and criminal scum, and acts as tax gatherer for the Council.

Yet despite it all, he does not see himself as a 'hero' or even a particularly good person. He'd describe himself as a rather flawed individual with a somewhat checkered pre-Crisis past who, thanks to the (un)kindness of fate, intervention of the Nine, or sheer dumb luck, found himself in a position to better himself while at the same time performing services that benefit the realm and its citizens.

Truth to tell, he's somewhat uncomfortable with the honors bestowed upon him. You wouldn't guess it to see him, astride his fancy horse all decked out in Imperial Dragon armor and before that Holy Relics, the might of the Empire behind him. He must, of course, wear sanctioned armor during his road patrols or suffer the consequences. But he takes it further than that. He's almost always seen in it, or at least pieces of it. It's not as if, at this stage of his career, he doesn't have access to a wardrobe of more comfortable attire. Yet he chooses to remain encased in metal in almost all circumstances. When confronted with this character quirk he once told me: "Look mate. I've a bit of a past to play down. These armors help with that. People see what they want to see, the position rather than the man behind it. It is admittedly portentous if not pretentious to be constantly greeted with 'Hail Champion!', 'You're the Divine Crusader!' and 'Say, you look just like your statue!', but far better those than 'Umm...aren't you the fellow who didn't serve out his full prison sentence?'. That sort of talk, and what might follow it, is to be avoided."


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Alister Scott
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:46 pm

If I RP with a character it's really hard for me to make them evil. I hate doing the Dark Brotherhood questline :P. On the other hand, I loved doing the Thieve's Guild, because it was fun and not really evil it was more like helping your guild members, most of whom were quite poor. I like playing good character best and try not to have too much infamy but it depends on what the character thinks is right/wrong.
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