Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:29 am

Even Charlie Sheen's German cousin agrees.

Ever since CryTek released their "anti-cheat" patch I've seen MORE hackers per server.
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:16 pm

Even Charlie Sheen's German cousin agrees.

Ever since CryTek released their "anti-cheat" patch I've seen MORE hackers per server.

Charlie Sheens cousin?Do i have to watch the whole video to get the joke?

EDIT:BTW this dude is never ever a german.NEVER.Sounds more like he's from Belgium or something.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:22 am

Yes every time I play, there's always a cheater or cheaters on my server. I'm tired of being on the lookout for them and having to kick them. Thing is even though I kick them, the damage has already been done and they already have the game won, or near to it and this just damages any feeling I have of playing this game.

The most sloppy MP release I've seen in awhile. Keep it up Crytek, you're only burying your franchise more and more with each passing day that this poor excuse for a MP game remains in it's current state.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:52 am

tbh i get a lot of matches without cheaters.
So I can only assume you're one of those "HE SHOT ME HE HAX!!" kinda players.
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Marine x
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:27 pm

Even Charlie Sheen's German cousin agrees.

Ever since CryTek released their "anti-cheat" patch I've seen MORE hackers per server.

I can only agree even more since it was some random ranting vid of the DEMO... /shrug
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:12 pm

I'm going to bet you're the kind of person that calls anybody that kills you a hacker. :|
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An Lor
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:11 pm

tbh i get a lot of matches without cheaters.
So I can only assume you're one of those "HE SHOT ME HE HAX!!" kinda players.

The hackers are easy to spot. They have unlimited cloak that doesn't break even when they shoot. The game is infested with them. There are other hacks, but that's the one I see being used most.

Many people are having bad experiences with them, hell just YouTube vids and you'll see evidence for yourself.
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The Time Car
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:28 am

This video is hilarious xD , and also sad. Hopefully the game will be fixed soon =)
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:27 pm

I havent been able to play a single game for 2 days without at least 1 hacker **** up the server. It's really out of hand.
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:51 am

tbh i get a lot of matches without cheaters.
So I can only assume you're one of those "HE SHOT ME HE HAX!!" kinda players.

The hackers are easy to spot. They have unlimited cloak that doesn't break even when they shoot. The game is infested with them. There are other hacks, but that's the one I see being used most.

Many people are having bad experiences with them, hell just YouTube vids and you'll see evidence for yourself.

Ive been wrongfully accused of hacking by a few terrible players but there are hackers everywhere. As you said the most common is infinite energy hack which lets people stay in Cloak permanently, even while firing. Its at the point now where there are at least one of these sad players in every game.

I just dont get what people get out of it. Nobody thinks they are skilled because its blatantly obvious they are cheating and what fun is there to play with such an edge?
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:03 pm

I've seen a couple yesterday night but they actually were trying to cover it up with stopping the invis-speed-oneshotting a bit before the kill cam would show it. After a bit I thought hmmm his running speed is oddly high for someone using a m60... looks like he's got a pistol running speed if not a tad more... Then hmmmm he seems to be everywhere on the map at once, does he get killed as much as the others? *check score* oh, only 2 deaths and he's been literally from one corner of the map to another... odd...

Having doubts I stood in the server regardless and after 5 games he seemed to have gone berserk and stopped being sly :< Blatant cheat rampage went on. T_T I think he started doing it because another one using cheats wasn't acting subtle with it... I guess he couldn't handle getting killed by another cheater so... x))

Met a few others using wallhacking (no one is visor marked in the kill cam yet he's following the pretty white arrows) in the subtle or not so subtle way.

Yeah cheats are still going but for some reason they seem to be a lil' more shy about them.
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clelia vega
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:49 am

tbh i get a lot of matches without cheaters.
So I can only assume you're one of those "HE SHOT ME HE HAX!!" kinda players.

or you might be **** blind!
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Donald Richards
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:52 pm

tbh i get a lot of matches without cheaters.
So I can only assume you're one of those "HE SHOT ME HE HAX!!" kinda players.

or you might be **** blind!

I never said there weren't cheaters. But i've def noticed a decline in hackers since they added a bunch of cheat detection stuff.
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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:34 pm

I refuse to play MP until they fix it, I already saw hackers in the demo, so I was expecting cheaters, but this is ridiculous. I wish I didn't purchase this game, I should've pirated it like everyone else. The feeling I get from CryTek is that we'll get what we get when they want to give it to us. It's pretty phukked up they couldn't even get the nano catalyst to count up correctly. What a completely unpolished beta version of a PC game this is, so sad, I would've returned this if it was returnable weeks ago.
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:20 pm

Yeah, hacking is ridiculous in this game. Just last night this fool was running at a very high speed up and down a street. He wasn't shooting anyone but just hoping around dodging between myself and 4 other teammates. I don't think anyone cared as he wasn't affecting the outcome of the match.

I think the first thing Crytek should do is try to get the pirates out of the multiplayer. I think because there is no risk of losing their key and getting banned they continue to hack.

If the hacking continues into next week i will be picking up a copy for my Xbox 360 instead, I really regret buying this thing for the PC.

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Judy Lynch
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:14 am

yea i have encountered a guy shooting in full cloak yesterday. pretty annoying. even caught him on kill cam. informed everybody else via chat and i left the server. :[ also got my service record reseted to 0 yesterday because i force quit the game :[ i've always believe that crytek would make a wonderful pc version of c2 because of how successful and famous their c1, cwh, and fc were on pc, but i guess now they have ditched us and go for the crapbox and failstations instead.
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:20 am

yea i have encountered a guy shooting in full cloak yesterday. pretty annoying. even caught him on kill cam. informed everybody else via chat and i left the server. :[ also got my service record reseted to 0 yesterday because i force quit the game :[ i've always believe that crytek would make a wonderful pc version of c2 because of how successful and famous their c1, cwh, and fc were on pc, but i guess now they have ditched us and go for the crapbox and failstations instead.
hahahha loved the way you described consoles crapbox xD nice one
yah i really really hope PC games don't die because form the looks of it games on PC are dying cuz the the crapbox.

It's not consoles fault. It is developers fault for not putting the effort into the PC version for whatever reason. Some developers do make excellent multiplat PC version and design with PC first in mind, others don't, still others have altogether stopped publishing on PC e.g Rockstar where is RDR, LA Noire, and now GTA5 will be announced soon and I'll put money on it that it won't be on PC. Silly to think consoles are crap because you'd be missing out on some great games. I can name plenty of consoles games this year I'm looking forward to that won't be hitting PC.
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:00 am

Find better servers/gametypes. There are lots of servers without hackers

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Chris Ellis
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:00 pm

Yeah... What's this anti-cheat patch? Roughly 20 minutes ago, I was in a server and there were at least 2 people who were just shooting everywhere, while still cloaked. This is ruining the multiplayer.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:22 am


Having played BF2, BFBC2, CoDMW1, CoDWaW and CoDMW2 for close to 1000 hours (each), I'd say I'm pretty good at spotting cheaters. Especially with a forced killcam... While also being blamed for cheating frequently in those games, I have never been called that in Crysis 2 (aka Crysis of Duty). Not that I would know, the ingame UI is really cool but completely useless for even noticing if someone types anything.

In all those games, there were a lot of cheat accusations going on, only a fraction of them actually true. Lots of people playing have really NO CLUE as to what separates a good player from an average one, let alone a great one. They simply spawn and see/shoot what's in front of them, that's all there is to the game for them. The only conclusion, when someone does something they simply can't grasp, is that it must be a cheat. That's sad, as they go around telling the world about all the "cheaters", reducing the interest in the games for people who otherwise might purchase and play the game. So it is VERY MUCH in the interest of Game Developers to keep games cheat free, even on a rumour level.


While the "security patch" seems to have removed most of those running around cloaked and shooting, some still exist. Most popular today was the Grendel with insane rate of fire, no recoil, and probably an aimbot added to that. A useless gun usually, no one uses it. Same with the cool Air Stomp perk. If the radius was tripled, then maybe it would be useful. Another feature today, by a lvl50 player, was to glitch into the walls high up on the maps, and spam L-Tag grenades all over.

Crysis 2 is by far in the worst state I have even seen, in any game. By a mile. If Crytek wants to regain SOME glory, and not be branded as the JOKE in this genre, get to it. Fast. Or even get outside help, PunkBuster, whatever. You are FAILING. MISERABLY. And as PC gamers, we tend to remember such things. For decades. And it drives our future purchases. But perhaps that's irrelevant, not even sure any more PC games are planned, perhaps not even ports such as this.

Lastly, the Crytek punishment for cheating is extraordinary LAME. A warning? Get them OUT OF THE GAME FOREVER, 1st offence. And preferably, talk to the EA and make it affect ALL EA GAMES (as Steam).

I'm not even going to talk about the utter stupidity of not being able to block pirated versions of the game to play online. I mean... Jesus. What a great selling point, coupled with the zone of cheating paradise.

PS. I usually don't rant as much, and have a good level of tolerance to games, and understanding of the issues game developers face. So this post is more than just another whine. I'm serious.
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:32 pm

Been called a cheater for the last 4 days and have been perm banned from a server. Crysis community FTW!

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Daniel Brown
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:31 pm

This video is hilarious xD , and also sad. Hopefully the game will be fixed soon =)

wow..speechless..especially the second half..

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Amanda savory
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:04 pm

This video is hilarious xD , and also sad. Hopefully the game will be fixed soon =)

this video is awesome. should email it to all of Crytek
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:35 pm


Having played BF2, BFBC2, CoDMW1, CoDWaW and CoDMW2 for close to 1000 hours (each), I'd say I'm pretty good at spotting cheaters. Especially with a forced killcam... While also being blamed for cheating frequently in those games, I have never been called that in Crysis 2 (aka Crysis of Duty). Not that I would know, the ingame UI is really cool but completely useless for even noticing if someone types anything.

In all those games, there were a lot of cheat accusations going on, only a fraction of them actually true. Lots of people playing have really NO CLUE as to what separates a good player from an average one, let alone a great one. They simply spawn and see/shoot what's in front of them, that's all there is to the game for them. The only conclusion, when someone does something they simply can't grasp, is that it must be a cheat. That's sad, as they go around telling the world about all the "cheaters", reducing the interest in the games for people who otherwise might purchase and play the game. So it is VERY MUCH in the interest of Game Developers to keep games cheat free, even on a rumour level.


While the "security patch" seems to have removed most of those running around cloaked and shooting, some still exist. Most popular today was the Grendel with insane rate of fire, no recoil, and probably an aimbot added to that. A useless gun usually, no one uses it. Same with the cool Air Stomp perk. If the radius was tripled, then maybe it would be useful. Another feature today, by a lvl50 player, was to glitch into the walls high up on the maps, and spam L-Tag grenades all over.

Crysis 2 is by far in the worst state I have even seen, in any game. By a mile. If Crytek wants to regain SOME glory, and not be branded as the JOKE in this genre, get to it. Fast. Or even get outside help, PunkBuster, whatever. You are FAILING. MISERABLY. And as PC gamers, we tend to remember such things. For decades. And it drives our future purchases. But perhaps that's irrelevant, not even sure any more PC games are planned, perhaps not even ports such as this.

Lastly, the Crytek punishment for cheating is extraordinary LAME. A warning? Get them OUT OF THE GAME FOREVER, 1st offence. And preferably, talk to the EA and make it affect ALL EA GAMES (as Steam).

I'm not even going to talk about the utter stupidity of not being able to block pirated versions of the game to play online. I mean... Jesus. What a great selling point, coupled with the zone of cheating paradise.

PS. I usually don't rant as much, and have a good level of tolerance to games, and understanding of the issues game developers face. So this post is more than just another whine. I'm serious.

my sentiments exactly and well said. the same cheaters in this game cheat in every game they play online - or just EVERY game for that matter. focusing on getting rid of the cheat won get rid of the cheater. im about getting rid of the cheater. it'd be funny if the anti cheat system tele-ported the cheaters from a normal server into a "cheaters island" type server - where they can only play from then on out once they're flagged. that way, they can play somewhere where they'll always be accepted. i saw a cheater once rant about "the game is meant for us to have fun with it any way we choose, and this is how i choose to have fun with the game". well, i dont think the game is meant for you to play in a fair environment with an extreme advantage over the rest of the players. we obviously have two levels of players here, honest and dishonest, that are in a disagreement about how the game should be played. in light of this view each should be limited to playing within their respective group ONLY. if the cheaters play only against cheaters, then they will be in a fair gaming environment, since everyone will be cheating. the same goes for the honest players. cheaters get amped off of having an unfair advantage - its not about how they want to play the game..its because they most likely are not good at the game and begin using the game as an out-let to release rage for acquiring the shame of failure. a cheater would never play against another cheater - because it puts them on a fair playing field where the possibility of reliving their past failures haunts them in every scramble from cover - therefore, forcing them to only play games with other cheaters seems a proper penalty, in my opinion anyway..

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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:47 am

This game looks like Combat Arms, every room have aimboter, wallhack, boxes, everything!!! It's a shame on you, Crytek.
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