Are you kidding me?

Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:59 am

First I'll get the stuff you care are about out of the way, which is the issues I am encountering: No issues until reaching the Marked Men Encampment where, immediately after picking up the Laser Detonator I began to experience severe Frame Rate loss which persisted for the rest of my playtime (Not very long, I hope you understand) while outside of interiors. Going into an interior area would not experience such a severe frame rate issue, but I still had a somewhat noticeable one. These problems were solved somewhat by rebooting the game, however they were again experienced soon after, a specific incident being the detonation of the warheads in order to open up the next area for progression.

I currently have all four Fallout: New Vegas DLCs installed. I have encountered these issues with save files that are high leveled, with items from all/some of the DLCs, and a save file that is minimum level (25) with NO items from other DLCs.

That being said, my inevitable rant: I have been a huge fan of the Fallout games, starting with Fallout 2. I purchased Fallout 3 for the PC, but after learning my PC just wasn't enough to run the game well, I purchased an X-Box and got Fallout 3 for the X360, and then purchased all five DLCs for it as they were released. When I got rid of my X360 in favor of a PS3, I purchased Fallout 3 again, GOTY this time. I, as others, had encountered issues playing through it on the PS3 that I had not seen on the X360, and was overall shocked about this experience, isn't the PS3 capable of everything the 360 is and more? In any case, when Fallout: New Vegas rolled out, I pre-ordered a collector's edition, hoping for the best. I feel like I was let down. After that, I continued playing and putting up with the same issues everyone else was experiencing, hoping with every patch that it would get better. When the DLCs came out, like a junkie, I purchased every single one of them and watched as they broke the game more and more.

Are you indifferent to gamers experiencing this? Is this somewhat amusing to you, do you feel that these are just video games so why get so upset over these issues? I hope not, considering this is your livelihood. Imagine if gamers dictated your paychecks more directly, as if there were polls that would decide whether you should be paid for the work needed to fix these issues, and that you would be black balled from the industry should you refuse to put in the work whether being paid or not. Is it unfair that I assume you're not putting any work into these issues? It probably seems so, but while you get paid, gamers pay out money for these products, and expect not to get hassled by issues during their playtime, this is what is unfair.

I don't really blame gamesas all that much, I enjoyed Marrowind, Oblivion (and its expansions, again on X360 and then later on PS3) immensely, and bought Brink just based on gamesas publishing it. I mostly blame Obsidian, first KOTOR 2, then Alpha Protocol, and now F:NV, it's been a long road since Neverwinter Nights 2, hasn't it? Personally, I would be embarrassed to have my name attached to Fallout: New Vegas, from the Game Devs, to the producer, all the way to Quality Assurance, and being in QA myself, I KNOW how much QA is NOT at fault for the issues present in the game and its DLC, but I would still be ashamed to be credited. Even going so far as to blame the scale of the game on the issues present has made me lose all faith in Obsidian as a company, do you really believe anyone thinks that your QA didn't find these severe issues during critical path?

gamesas, continue making great games, and I look forward to Skyrim in November. The least you could do to rectify the Fallout: New Vegas experience to both me and every other gamer dealing with the issues present is to, AT THE VERY LEAST, reconsider any further working relationship with Obsidian Entertainment. This company has let us down, they've let you down, and worst off have left a black mark on your name to consumers. I don't hold out much hope that you take my rant to heart, or even read a bit of the thing, but hopefully the info I've provided in terms of the issues I've experienced with your DLC helps in some small way should any fixes be implemented in the future.
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:17 am

AFAIK, Bethesda did the QA testing, not Obsidian. So the blame rests partly on their shoulders as well. Obsidian did a good job considering the craptastic game engine they were given (that they had never worked with before). I hadn't had any major issues with the base game or any of the DLC before this (aside from Westside, which for some reason is always laggy). Even my level 50 char will play for a couple of hours before lagging (which is a persistent problem due to the way the PS handles large save files), but my level 25 char shouldn't do that.

I'm experiencing the same problems. It seems to be a widespread issue with the PS3 version -- the question is, are they going to release a patch to fix this? I really, really, REALLY want to play this DLC, but the problem is, I literally can't. I'm willing to overlook minor bugs, but this -- no, I can't overlook this at all because it's unplayable. Honestly, I'm disappointed that the PS3 version wasn't thoroughly checked for major, game-breaking problems like this. We really got the short end of the stick this time.

However, if this can be fixed in a reasonable amount of time, I might just turn my attitude around. But for now, I'm telling PS3 users to avoid Lonesome Road like the plague until it is fixed.

/trying my best to be reasonable
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