*snip* but it's going to get released if it's the last thing I do. Which it might be in the morrowind modding scene...
:) I hear you - and have said those words too
That's all I really do

! My first Morrowind project (A HUGE landmass) ate up about 4 years, however it never got finished (lost in old computer). Then when I got a laptop I decided to give it another shot. Spent two years on and off on another landmass mod, and already having past experience it went much faster. That got lost as well due to my laptop overheating and totally taking a poo.. My current project I've only spent maybe 4 months on (I have to switch off between this project and my Fallout 3 project so it was on and off) and it's already nearing completion! However I do plan on a few other landmass and/or huge dungeon crawls. So yep I'm a long hauler modder alright

(Good thread btw ha)
You're like a phoenix rising from the ashes of their pc's - hope you've got good backup this time round

About ever releasing it, I voted the work of art option... The deal is simply this... There's hardly ever more than a week that passes that I don't learn something new, or some better way to do what I've already done. When enough weeks go by, it becomes obvious that I have to start over, because there is no other way to erase what I've already done.
As to what occupies the time, you need an option of "all of the above", eh?

Hee-hee - sounds like how you mod Morrowind like i play it - start a character get to Level 10 - think I could do this so much better start a new character get to level 3 - think I don't like my character's face - start a new character get to Addamartus - get my buns handed to me by that fire throwing Dunmer - start again get a Nord and whip him - think to myselfI "hate playing Nords" go back to being Breton .... and so on....
6 years before a release, and 3 years after... it doesn't get any better, I'm afraid.

Oh - I was hoping you would drop by but suspected you were still in the endless tunnel - at least you're driving the train

So you have been working on your mod for a couple years - big deal. I have spent almost that much time not working on an update to Traveling Merchants. It has been nearly two years since I have opened the mod in the construction set. In fairness I should add that I thought I was still working on it when I shifted over to my update of Slave Escort, but since I completely changed the mechanics of the latter the former no longer depends on it. *sigh*
So I guess that means I have been working on Slave Escort for about two years. The mod is 'finished', but it is still being tested. Perhaps it will be available soon, but I have to say I enjoy the peacefulness of not being pestered with bug reports so we'll see. :whistling: Even if testing does not consume the majority of my time it sometimes seems like it. Since that is not a choice I will go with dialogue. Writing can be such a labor for me. I am continually rephrasing my work... and I make many mistakes, too. Just to give myself a break this winter I knocked out a couple game-play tweaks in as many months. One was just pure scripting... very relaxing - and much easier than designing and testing quests! It was nice to have a sense of accomplishment after wrestling with the same problems for so long.
I have other projects still mostly in the planning stages that are several years old now, and I think they will have to continue to age. After I am finished with Slave Escort I will likely return to Traveling Merchants. I think I had finished most of the eight new travelers, but I am adding more dialogue *sigh* and of course it will have to be tested *grumble*. So I give it at least a year.
LOL - this thread is pulling out all the old timers - sounds like you have been doing some Dunmer dialogue lately - stupid swits - I had forgotten about Travelling Merchants - can you hurry up and finish that one please - not only do I want it in my game i want to enjoy printing off the scripts, pulling out my favourite chair, putting my feet up beside a fireplace and reading them.
Did you vote? I wasn't sure if you did as you must have invested some years in LGNPC as well.
It's good to see you are still lurking too - I bet you might tick Bethesda Forums as consuming some time

For those who don't know cyran0 spent hours bringing one of my NPC's to life and was incredibly patient in trying to help me grasp scripting - I never knew the pain of testing so much before trying scripting.
There's still a few long haulers out there - I think it is impressive that people are so committed or is it just that we should be committed?