Well, it's a good thing i'm not invested in this series

Well, I just preordered. The game, from what we know, isn't my ideal but it's close enough.
It is a Fallout game by name, but it shares no resemblance to the series other than few names. It's a ok if people like that, but that doesn't really change anything. The series has went from a cRPG to an open world first person action simulator.
Yes. A few names. But no functionality.
A lot of games these days have "RPG elements", yet are not RPG's. So that does nothing. Fallout had specific sort of functionality, and that is now gone even further from where it was already.
Fallout 4 shares all but skills and traits with the originals.
So I guess that makes a fallout game then.
Not the setting, or making a character, or making choices. Just traits and skills.
I mean, silly IGN, or game spot or Bethesda or any video game journalist. They are very confused when calling fallout an RPG.
Clearly you have some secret, well kept knowledge that can only come from playing mediocre turn based RPGS made in the 90s
Got it.
@Gizmo, I'm sorry, considering you seem to think you know what the people who made fallout actually meant when they complimented Bethesda, better then themselves even, I can't take you seriously. You have yet to formulate anything remotely resembling an actual argument. To dismiss 3 or 4 as having no accountability is just being willfully ignorant.
What ever you say. You are clearly not grasping the point which would be clear if you only looked at the games and how they worked. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with Fallout 4.
I'll probably post my thoughts later, but I was wondering if anyone else noticed during the weapon crafting section that there was a science requirement for energy weapons? Maybe skills are still in the game.
It's a ranked perk (it says Science Rank 1 required or something). You can count on it.
What a way to make a point.
Oh, wait, you didn't make one, funny how I failed to grasp what isn't there.
@Gizmo, those character's are essential to the story being told in FO3, one which paints those characters as good guys. In 1 or 2 they would have sat indoors all day, unable to be attacked or interacted with, so you didn't have much choice to shoot them now would you.
I guess the lack of choice = accountability? And I guess in the interviews the winked at the camera, at you specifically, to let you know it was all a ruse.
I can't believe I'm entertaining such ridiculous logic. Have you ever taken a course on debating? Or read a book about it? Or even a wikipedia page. I can point you to one for some pointers if you'd like because, man, you've got a lot of reading to catch up on.
It's everything I wanted in terms of features. I like that your SPECIAL choices will be more meaningful than in previous games.
What's with the obsession about the dog btw? It reminds me of Fable 2.
Oh, that's awful then! How can they just drop one of the fundamental aspects of character creation?
I was unsure about the voiced protagonist, but after seeing and hearing it in action...I'm all for it.
First game I will ever pre-order in my life.
That's the direction they want to take the series towards. There's no room anymore for more nuanced character customization; but there is room for all sorts of fluff like tower defense features.
I think you are just looking at it the wrong way. Fallout 3 was a reboot. That makes Fallout 4 a reboot of a reboot. At least that's how I see it.