They combine cuirass and greaves and you go ape[censored] about how they've stopped listening to fans? Come on.
Yes, but seriously could someone please give me proof about this?Just so I can read it.

You can see in the gameplay video ( at around 3:50 when he's browsing the inventory. It says elven boots, elven gauntlets, elven helmet, but then the rest is just "elven armor". Same thing with iron further down. You can even pause the video at just about 3:52 to see the picture of the elven armor, it's indeed the cuirass with the greaves put together.
Honestly? No. I've been faithful to the elder scrolls series for a long time, but it's like Bethesda has just stopped listening to what the fans are asking for. For example, Todd said in an interview that when fallout 3 was coming out he simply thought "oh no, it will be fine, we will just make the game end when you have finished the main quest line, nobody will mind infact they will probably like it" of course he realised his mistakes after the game released but if he just took one second to look at the forums he would know that the linear ending is the one thing people wanted least, same thing is happening now. I think it's obvious we want the morrowind system back, even when oblivion was coming out we still wanted it but exceptions were made by the fans and we lived with it, at least expecting the old system to come back next game but instead its just been made worse.I do wish Bethesda could open there eyes sometimes and just listen the the fans for once, just ONCE. Even if some people may not mind it, I'm sure we all prefer they cut corners somewhere else where it just dosnt matter as much, like the enchanting skill, what's the point? Oblivious enchantment system was fine. First spell making, then 3rd person finishes, I'm just not going to bother anymore, to many negatives and not enough positives.I'll watch one or two videos, but at best I'm just gonna hire it and run through the main quest.Please Bethesda, just listen to the fans, please.
Chill the [censored] out, Jesus. If things like this kill the game for you then don't buy it then. Bethesda isn't going to make another Morrowind.