Are you on the fence about Crysis 3? Have you any doubts about purchasing the game? Well today i am posting this in hopes of clearing up any doubts you may have.
Lets begin!
Visuals and gameplay are on par! The game runs silky smooth and the graphics are just gorgeous. However, because of such great graphics many of us will be forced to compromise if we want to experience this game the way it was meant; no your average PC will not run this.***WARNING GRAPHIC CARD DISCRETION IS ADVISED!***

So far, the story is very engaging and the fact that you have someone there with you at times gives the story another dimension; hence, the story and progression do not feel as bland as crysis 2.

Multiplayer is very entertaining; however, it can be frustrating at times for those extremely competitive players(What game isn't?) Online movement is buttery smooth and graphics seem better than the beta(I can only speak for myself here)
FINAL VERDICT* In closing, i highly recommend this game for those on the fence. It's a game that casual and hardcoe shooter fans can enjoy. The fact that it's powered by CryEngine amplifies the awesomeness of what already is a great shooter game. GET OFF THAT FENCE AND PICK THIS GAME UP.